“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla

The last couple of weeks i have been delving deeper into the energy aspects of water. Like most things on this planet we are only just beginning to become aware of the deeper and more interconnected aspects of life.

Descarte was off key when he  suggested that humans and all living systems are like clocks, mechanical devices.

How does it feel to treated as a piece of machinery?

As i read The Fourth Phase of Water by Dr. Gerald Pollack, fragments i have picked up of 25 years of studying water are making more sense. If we were to begin to see water as liquid energy a lot of the  contradictions about it’s nature may begin to disappear.

Vicktor Schuberger’s work studying the natural flow of energy was ground breaking in it’s understudying of the energy aspect of water. When in a natural system, water moves and creates and utilises energy.

Dr. Gerald Pollack’s study into EZ water shows that water has an electrical charge, it separates  into negative (electrons) charged H3O2 leaving the (bulk) water with a positive charged (protons).

Water in a natural stream, flowing unhindered by the human hand is a living energetic system, capable of generating power. Once the Hand of Man  becomes involved the natural rhythm or flow is disorganised and the water becomes dead, it has lost the ability to support life in a healthy way.

Many researchers like Vicktor Schuberger  have produced devices to replicate the re energising of water and it could be said, they bring it back to life. All living systems are energy based.

Dr. Pollack has shown that water absorbs and utilises light. He shows it acts like a battery

Vicktor Schuberger shows water has energy and carrying capacity

Dr Emoto has shown water has memory.

Studying the works of these pioneers it is exciting to see we are beginning to understand nature at a deeper level and ways now exist to reenergise water to improve the quality of our lives and out health and that of the planet.

Quality water can be the difference between health and disease, it is known that an alkaline body is healthier than and acid body.  Too much of an alkaline environment is as unhealthy as an acidic environment. It is a matter of balance.

Drinking healthy water needs to be a corner stone of any health or recovery regime.

Using an energising device to restore the health of the water and integrating that with a quality filtration system can help bring our body’s into a balance integrated state were health becomes the norm.

As i continue to delve deeper into the Mystery of Water i am finding Water is not  just Water. I talk a lot about water in my book Kissing the Black Dog and  will be covering it in more detail in my upcoming book The Mystery of Water – Simple Solvent or the Elixir of Life.