I will believe it

when i see it

Some time back i was doing a Motivational Kinesiology presentation   and someone volunteered to come up for  a vision correction.

Vision is one of the subjects covered in Motivational Kinesiology Level Two. After the correction the woman was amazed at the brightness of the colours and how much more she was taking in visually.

I received a phone call one afternoon from a former student who had used the Vision Correction, mixed with some other eyesight work and was now able to drive her care more safely as see better with both eyes.

I know a Kinesiology Trainer who went from wearing glasses to no longer needing them.

There are many factors involved in vision issues. Janet Goodrich’s book Natural Vision Improvement is a great place to start the journey. The exercises will help.  Also have a look at Jacob Lieberman’s Take Off Your Glasses and See. 

We become fixed in our pattern of seeing, what we need to do is begin to exercise our eyes the way we exercise other muscles.

Dehydration, ph imbalances (ionisation) and stress, physical. mental and emotional  play there part in our eyesight failures.

With Motivational Kinesiology we can in most cases identify the area of stress and correct the imbalance in the way the body responds best.

Once we begin to change the way we view the world, things change

When i believe it

i will see it

More on the MK Vision Correction