If you could say it in words 

there would be no need to paint

Edward Hopper

The use of words can have a powerful effect, both positive or negative. Words can empower people to amazing feats of courage, or break someone’s spirit.  Whilst the least effective form of communication we rely on words to express ourselves in most situations. 

Words can paint pictures for our imagination to enrich, or light up and encourage others. Words of Affirmation is one of Graeme Chapman’s Love Languages. Those responsive to positive affirmations blossom when they are nurtured in this type of caring environment.  Words have power and influence.

The thoughtful use of words can change the outcome of discussions, meetings or contracts. Keeping your word is seen as a sign of trust. 

In any given situation the words we use and the way they are delivered play an important part in the final outcome. When we attack or try and belittle someone we are doing more harm than good. How often have we berated someone, putting them down and belittling them because, in truth we are scared or offended. How many children have been damaged by insensitive parents or teachers who reacted from fear and not from understanding? 

We build or destroy with the words we choose to use. This is not only the one’s we use when talking to others, it is also our inner chatter. How much of our inner dialogue is dedicated to self loathing and self abuse. 

Change our words and life begins to change. Start praising ourselves, begin to be our own best friend. Interestingly when we begin to speak more kindly and consider our responses before opening our mouth, people will respond differently. Change our inner chatter and we change, we begin to feel different, our posture changes. We can improve most situations in our lives by choosing different words.

Begin right Now! Speak to yourself differently. With other people, find something constructive to say. Stop ridiculing and insulting other people’s feelings and actions. Create a tapestry of kindness and appreciation by using words as an act of love.