Reach High, for stars lie hidden in your soul. 

Dream deep, for every dream preceded the goal

-Mother Teresa-

Personal or spiritual growth is a life long and at times lonely voyage into uncharted waters, far beyond the safe shores of conformity, safety and the “social” norm. Those fleeting moments of relief are to be savoured. Each of those on the path know that the feeling shall pass as the new “norm” settles in. How easy it is to forget where we were and begin to expect others to understand and conform to our “new” norm. The evolution of the soul is a solo journey, a voyage deep into our deepest being, something that no one else will understand. The passage is different for each of us, they may appear similar but the journey back to love takes a different course for all onboard.

The only thing we can be sure of is we are all heading to the same destination, that place deep within our hearts where Love resides, that deep interconnected Love that binds one and all to a greater existence. Call it what you will, at a deep, sometimes unfathomable level we are all connected, all one. In some deep inner or higher dimension all our hearts beat as one.

At times it is euphoric as the veils of deceit are removed and we come to our senses. Other times it is dark, painful, lonely and the call to give up is strong and enticing. We all walk this path alone, yet connected the greater whole. The dark walk is where we are growing the most, where challenges are being overcome. Obstacles become building blocks. Life has taught me that when my life is cruising, everything is flowing I am either connected to the greater whole or in a state of delusion. The art is knowing the difference.

When the path is dark and lonely, we are usually doing the hard yards, pushing through the illusions and mistruths that shroud our ability to love. We are making great strides, not seeing the growth as we tend to focus on the pain and darkness. The brighter our souls shine the less the darkness slows our growth. The more we step into the energy of our higher selves, of our angelic nature the more we smile at what had appeared as obstacles. In this new light they turn out to be opportunities.  Life has taught me to dig deep in those Dark Nights of the Soul and look for the Gold that is being presented. Something beautiful is arising from the ashes of our old limited self. Our inner being is shifting and expanding, breaking down the barriers of our former selves. 

Our friends, family and society will never understand what drives us to seek more, to grow, to expand beyond the limited materialistic world  that is the “norm’. The call home is too strong for us to avoid, we know there is more. It is like a drug, an unquenchable desire for that  “high”. In fact most forms of addiction are calls to go home, to return to that Love we know exists but cannot find in our limited animalistic state.  We know that the life we live is an illusion, a delusion that traps our hearts in a prison of limitation.  The pull is less strong in others, the attractions of the shiny toys and comfort of the closed heart slows their growth.  The pain barrier is a road to far, to uncomfortable to embrace. A comfortable life is as far as they are willing to travel.

The call home is illogical, irrational, it will cost us friends, family support, income and social standing. The price will seem unbearable and at times we want to give up. Some do, it gets too hard and they can not dig deep enough to find the motive to continue. Some do, reaching higher and higher into their angelic nature, into the realms of the non physical aspects of life. The pursuit of the illusive “Higher Self” makes no sense to the materialistic brain, yet the heart knows. The heart has always known there is more, a part deep within is still connected to a greater ability to explore and express love. The animal, materialistic self knows, but the fear of losing what the limited self believes and can accept stops us moving away from the illusion into the greater reality. 

The animal brain focuses only on the little screen in front of us, the GPS. The Heart, our angelic self looks at the sky and beyond and knows there is even more. 

There is so much more to life and Love when we open to the possibly. There’s always more and change is a constant, whether we work with it or against it.  At some point in our lives we all “make the decision”. The timing does not matter, this life or next life. It will happen in due course and at some point we all “go home”.

Enjoy the trip, have fun in this experience we call life and know, there is so much more. 

Shine Like the Whole Universe Is Yours
