A friend’s mother came to stay from overseas. Within a day of arriving she was in hospital and moving close to death.

A week later the family were called and flew in to be with their soon to pass mother. It was a difficult time for all. She was old and dying in another country.

I quietly took the doctor aside and asked him to keep her on a saline drip. He did not like the idea. I was rather firm in my conviction that if she was to pass she needed to do it a painlessly as possible. He submitted to my request.

A week later we brought her home. Water is one of most important things for humane life. It is greatly under estimated. A month later she boarded a plane and flew home. The dear lady lived another 2 years.

The wisest health practitioners know the importance of keeping hydrated. The simple fact is most people do not. In many cases we spend long periods dehydrated and consume substances which prolong the problem.

In Motivational Kinesiology we are highly aware of the importance of being hydrated along with oxygenation and correct ionisation. The hydration correction is easy to use, great for identifying which parts of the body need increased free water and throwing the switch to tell the body to send the water.

People still need to drink healthy, fresh living water to help recovery. The water coming from your pipes is dead. It may keep you alive, but no one thrives on dead water. One issue many people do not consider is that emotions and traumatic events such as near drowning, scoldings, or incidents invoking water can stop people drinking. Many drink lots of water yet absorb very little. There is two seas within the body, one around the cells containing H2O and one within the cells containing H3O2.

There is much more to water  absorption than we realise.

To correct your hydration issues contact me.