The first part of the above video is from the movie What the Beep Do We Know!

I talk a lot about the health benefits of water in my current book Kissing the Black Dog. It seems as a society we under estimate or even worse have no understanding of the real value of water. Multinationals like coke and Pepsi do, it is becoming a major cash cow for them.

Water is truly an amazing substance, i will cover in more detail the subject in my next book, The Mystery of Water – Simple Solvent or Exilir of Life.  We have much to learn from water, especially the energy or living aspect of this miracle substance.

Our body is about 90% water, the cells 99%. It carries the nutrients and the toxins. Hydroelectric energy is generated as water moves in the body and charges the cell’s batteries. Our brain struggles to operate efficiently  with as little asa 2 % reduction in water.

Alkaline water made with filters may not be as useful as first thought. Mineralised, slightly acidic water may have more benefit that demineralised alkaline water. Distilled water is dead water as is most tap and bottled waters.

Dr Emoto has done  research into the memory aspect of water, his research is being validated by other researchers around the world.

Dr Gerald Pollack has found water separates into negative and positively charges water, creating a battery and has shown water creates electricity.

Viktor Schauburger’s  work with water in it”s natural state is a paradigm shift that changes nearly everything we think about water. Through his work many are now  coming to recognise the importance of structured water and the fact water is basically a liquid crystal. When water moves in it’s natural way vortexes are created which reenergise, re structure and bring water back to life. Anyone filtering their water may wish to consider adding a vortexing device to the water system.

Drinking healthy water can make a huge difference to our health. Replenishing our the body with water that is “alive”  adds more energy rather than reducing the available energy reserves.