Could your spiritual development be hampered by our earthly actions?

A one percent reduction of water can effect the brain ability to process information. The heart is probably affected before the brain as it has higher priority.  Something as simple as drinking coffee or tea or even the healthy options of juices may be limiting our personal development. Not having enough water in the body can reduce the electromagnetic energy patterns of the whole bodymind system.

Taking in acid forming foods, water and chemicals and habits such as smoking can cloud our judgement and ability to connect to a higher vibration. Coke and other soft drinks, and to a lesser extent, bottled water are highly acidic, as is cigarette smoke and most fast food. If our body is high in acid we have a positive energy (low voltage) build up which leads to negative feelings and thoughts and illness.

For those who believe in channelling and speaking with angels please consider this. Why in heavens name would a highly evolved soul drop it’s vibration so low to communicate with a highly underdeveloped soul that lacks the understanding of the basic concepts of vibration? If we were advanced souls would we not look to connect with another who has shown the genuine desire to advance spiritually?

In all our searching for spiritual enlightenment what would happen if we discovered it started with drinking fresh energy rich, alkalised water daily? Prayer, meditation, channelling, yoga, all our spiritual practices would be enhanced by simply taking the time to love ourselves and our creator if we simply drank more water and did it mindfully.

All ancient practices know the importance as do some of our modern truth seekers, of praying or meditating on our food and water as it changes the vibration. Drink when we are in a negative space, we increase our investment in our negative investment portfolio. Drink and eat after we have taken the time to place ourselves in a more loving heartspace adds to our positive investment portfolio.

Life is really about which bank we invest our spiritual capitol. We can all dress like enlightened souls, talk like enlightened masters, hang out with other groupies, yet without a mindful approach and a well hydrated body, it is all all an illusion of awareness.

Living a healthy life, drinking water, taking the time to relax and breath, choosing happy thoughts and actions, keeping our electromagnetic body’s clean may be the real key to spiritual unfoldment.

Does it really matter what dead Aunt Mary has to say, especially if the conduit is full of caffeine, cigarette smoke, fast food and has not seen water in days?

Our development is governed by following our own path, not that of those that went before. For those who believe higher energies are currently communicating with this planet, the one difference between us is, we volunteered to experience this game of duality, or choose to reenter the game to help the planet heal. They are sitting on the other side of the fence safe and cosy. Maybe we are the enlightened ones and the real teachers?

We are all children of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, yet we act as if this is not true.

Maybe it is time to switch to good quality clean energised water and accept we are already spiritual being having a human experience and OK maybe not enjoying the heavy energy. But hey, maybe we will choose somewhere else next time.

P.S. Have a drink for me and take a good look at the attached pic ;~))