Our brain is mainly responsible for vision. Our eyes are receivers, collecting information in the form of light, and the brain transforms this information into a useable form. Emotions and core beliefs have an impact on our ability to see and this is not addressed by “normal” eye care practitioners. Our fears, limitations and unresolved emotions create physical tension in the surrounding muscles, which can pull our eyes out of shape.
The eye is similar to a fluid filled balloon and pressure from the surrounding muscles change its shape. The major eye muscles are:
- superior rectus
- lateral rectus
- medial rectus
- inferior rectus
- superior palpebral levator
- superior oblique
Diffusing stress in these muscles can help to relax the eye and allow it to form its natural shape.
Poor nutrition can affect our vision, cooked, canned, frozen, processed, preserved or irradiated foods offer little nutritional value. Coffee, tea, cigarettes, alcohol, dope and chocolate cause the arteries to contract, forcing up blood pressure and reducing the blood flow. Poor oxygenation, hydration, ionisation or blood flow and lymphatic drainage all affect our ability to “see”.
Vision problems include:
- Myopia (short-sightedness, blur in the distance)
- Hyperopia (farsightedness, blur close up)
- Presbyopia (farsightedness as a result of aging, old-age sight)
- Astigmatism (distortion, vision not completely symmetrical)
- Certain eye diseases including cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, etc.
- computer eye strain
- eye teaming difficulties
- learning difficulties
- balance and coordination difficulties
- eye strain
- low attention span
- poor sports performance
The benefits of improved vision include:
- Better balance and coordination
- Improved ability to study and learn
- Increased clarity of sight
- Increased mental clarity
- Enhanced depth perception
- A more relaxed way of being
- More connection with the world around you
- A sense of greater balance and harmony
- Greater awareness
- Greater connection with self
- Better eye health
- Broader perspective on life
The following tips can assist to improve eyesight and vision:
- Physical relaxation: stretching, yawning, jumping, swinging
- Mental relaxation: palming, visualization
- Removal of emotional barriers, letting go of bad feelings
- Integration and stretching exercises offered in MK One
- Change in seeing habits: shifting focus, peripheral vision, see movement/colour/shapes/space
We recommend purchasing one of the many books published on this subject to further your knowledge. Motivational Kinesiology offers techniques to improve vision.
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