What & how we feel influences our decisions & actions. Our reactions are governed by our emotional state which often reacts rather than responds to past events. Our back brain memories remind us of how we dealt with similar events or situations in the past. These messages can make us blush, freeze in fright, run away, our heart beat faster etc. The central nervous system can be easily hi-jacked when the emotional centres of the brain take over. All action is preceded by a thought & the language of thought is emotion.

Our logical rational brain is an extension of the older emotional brain. All thoughts are filtered through our emotional brain first. Researchers are finding out more about the details of how each emotion prepares the body for different responses.

Blood flows to the hands, the heart beat increases, adrenaline is released.

Blood flows to the major skeletal muscles, the body “freezes”, hormones from the emotional brain
flood the body putting us on general alert & our attention becomes fixed.

Inhibits negative feelings, increases energy & quietens the mind.

Creates tender feelings, sexual satisfaction, relaxation, calmness, contentment & co-operation.Emotions create physical changes in our bodies. 
Researchers condensed human breath & found it contained deadly poisons. Hatred, jealousy, anger & other intense negative emotions can damage tissue. One hour of hatred can kill eighty guinea pigs. Other researchers have been able to identify our emotional state by studying the chemicals in our tears. Having genuine positive emotions enhances health. Laughter is always the best medicine.

A clinical example: A client had the emotion “vindictive” come up in a balance. It meant nothing to her at the time, but in the following week (in her words), “on three occasions I became painfully aware of my “vindictive” behaviour. I’ve now made the choice to change it.”

Louise L. Hay in, “You Can Heal Your life” & Annette Noontil in, “The Body Is The Barometer Of The Soul“, give details of the emotional issues underlying certain conditions that can inhibit our perception. We strongly recommend purchasing one or both of these books for your library.

Below are some of the emotional issues that can contribute to vision and hearing problems;

  • Astigmatism – not wanting to see the real self.
  • Cataracts – fear of the future, seeing nothing positive ahead.
  • Children’s eye problems ? – avoiding dealing with family issues.
  • Cross eyed? – not wanting to take in what’s going on “out there”.
  • Glaucoma – stony un-forgiveness, harbouring long term hurts, overwhelm.
  • Farsighted – fear of present situations.
  • Nearsighted – fear of what lies ahead.
  • Wall eyed – not wanting to deal with the present.
  • Conjunctivitis – not seeing reality because of stirred up emotions, seeing only the negative.
  • Right eye – doing things you don’t enjoy, perfectionist, problem managing time, an “I can’t” approach to life, lack of self-faith, not applying your abilities.
  • Left eye – being dishonest with self, tense when giving, superiority complex, seeing the negative in situations.
  • Dry eye – anger, refusal to acknowledge love, spite, unforgiving.
  • Blocked ears – someone isn’t listening, you or others, intolerance.
  • Hot ears – intolerance of the behaviour of others.
  • Ear infection – intolerance of new information, impatience & stagnation.
  • Wax in ears – not wanting to absorb information.
  • Earache – not wanting to hear parents argue, turmoil.

The information in these books is very valuable when you are working with a specific problem, such as vision, hearing etc. Look up the particular condition & then monitor the IM as you read out the various meanings the authors have laid out. We have found this procedure to be very popular with people, the old saying, “if it comes out of a book it has to be true.” Both books may have varying meanings for the same conditions, but by muscle monitoring, the right meaning to the person will be revealed. This can be done at any stage of a balance to give you more information. It is always surprisingly accurate!