

Whether our goals are health or wealth based (or both) it is our fear and limitations that block us.

Many of the wealth creation books contain the same sobering facts, fear and greed are the downfall of the majority, eg., 85% of options traders fail. In a recent lecture the presenter pointed out success is 80% mindset and 20% technique. To be constantly successful we must know ourselves and be aware of our limitations. Then and only then can we make the right choices and see them through to a successful conclusion. On our goal setting page we discuss the different sub personalities that drive us. Which ones do you recognise within yourself.

Strategies are important. We all need a strategy or a plan. The key to it’s success is attitude and the emotional intelligence to stay on track. People spend thousands of dollars learning strategies and nothing on understanding what drives their attitudes. It is a known fact the markets are driven by fear and greed. Greed drives them up and fear drives them down. Understand human psychology and we begin to comprehend the markets driving forces.

Napoleon Hill, Maxwell Maltz, Louise Hay, Wayne Dwyer and many other motivational people understand the secret to success lies in our beliefs and habits. Many people do not realise their beliefs and habits actually belong to someone else. It is our own poverty consciousness or that of our forebears, friends, etc. A client recently recognised two important influences that were affecting their ability to succeed. One was old Catholic Church dogma picked up from their mother and grandmother. The second was the “Aussie Ocker” conditioning acquired from spending so much time around hotels as a kid with their father. When they tried to make an informed discussion these two opposing influences clouded the issue. Once they understood more fully what they were doing decision making became easier. 

Success is natural, it is what we do best. Failure and poverty are products of fear and limitation. Sandy McGregor in his book ‘ Peace of Mind” describes how a person locked in a refrigerated van documented his own death. The man thought the refrigeration unit was turned on and believed he would freeze to death. He did. His notes describes the way his slow demise. The unit was off, there was no way he could physically freeze. An extreme case of mind over matter. 

Willingness is a key to success, if subconsciously we believe we can’t we won’t. It we really want to succeed, understand yourself first, then find a strategy that works with your personality. Motivational Kinesiology can assist to unlock your negative beliefs, stress,phobiasemotions and limitations.

Physical conditions such as:

  • hydration
  • oxygenation
  • ionisation
  • vision
  • hearing
  • flexibility

All contribute to the success process. Being wealthy without being healthy is of no real value. It is not how wealthy you are when you die that counts, it is how well you enjoyed it while you were alive.


For the next two weeks listen to your inner dialogue. Take note of the tone.

  • Is it primarily negative or positive?
  • Does it inspire or depress you?
  • Do you feel more or less successful?

We are what we think, we may wish to be very careful with our thoughts. When we know how you think, we can set up the right individual strategies for our needs.