For weeks i have been searching, wondering what the connection was? How did seemingly different beneficial healthy living actions fit together?

In finding the key i have also discovered the level of resistance for talking about or dealing with depression, anxiety and other stress issues.

Since setting out of this journey to find natural healthy solutions to mental/emotional stress, usually called depression and anxiety i have watched the growing lack of interest in my posts on social media. The warm and fuzzy stuff still gets noticed, once i step over the unspoken line, things change.

Are we really that messed up and locked into the fear of our own dark side we simply cannot deal with the painful truth. Actually this is a misnomer, truth is never painful. It is our addiction and terror of coming to terms with our lies and deception that creates the most pain in our lives.

To many of us want to Be Happy all the time, it is unnatural, unhealthy and so limiting a way to live. We are emotional creatures capable of a wide range of emotions, which when expressed creatively bring about great constructive change in our lives. We have a full gamut of emotional colours to paint our destiny with, yet so many still choice good old black and white.

Does one take the slippery slope to conformity and go back to the warm fuzzy stuff? To tell the truth is a high price to pay for anyone wishing to undertake that path. It is definitely not a way to win friends.

Each and every one of us is facing a rapidly changing world, a one where those who seek control over others or those working with others is in a delicate balance. It can go either way and the final decision will come down to the one we make.

Within each of us is a demon and an angel, we and only we can choose which one takes the helm and directs our destiny and that of humanity.

We are dancing on the razor’s edge of reality, one which we will bring forth. Which decision do we make? Create a better world or destroy the whole planet. Not much of a choice really, we only need to look at what we are doing right now. Opps there goes another couple of hundred innocent kids, sorry it was there fault! Do we really care that each of us is responsible through our buying patterns for the slavery of over 30 other people.

What i have learned is i need to change the focus of the book and title it Kissing the Black Dog – living a better life.

Twenty five years of kinesiology has shown me the only way anyone improves their lives is by:

  • Admitting there is a problem
  • Be willing to change, learn and grow
  • Take immediate steps to recreate a better me
  • Realise it is all a game and we set the rules
  • Feel good now, feel good about feeling a mess
  • Laugh at our our insanity and get over it

Now back to the point, I have known or some time there is a connection between water, oxygen and ionisation/pH balance.

This morning I found this:

As voltage drops, cellular oxygen levels drop,because the pH of water (voltage) determines how much dissolved oxygen it can hold, regardless of the amount of oxygen available. Dr. Jerry Tennant.

Everything is connected, sometimes the art is to join the dots and come to the obvious answer.
Sometimes it is the simple things done well that makes the real difference, we can spend a fortune of the latest silver bullet, the magical cure, or do the basics well.

We are all stressed, very few people are immune. Drinking pH negative (alkaline) water, breathing properly, exercising in a natural environment eg, walking on the beach or forest helps increase oxygen absorption amongst a multitude of other health benefits.

Unclog that cluttered brain, open our hearts and be amazing, simply really.

And in conclusion The truth shall set you free. Live is an amazing gift when we have the courage to paint with the full gamut of our natural gifts.


I would love to hear anyone’s stories on learning to Kiss their Black Dog.