I recently read a thoughtful concept for people’s unwilling to change.

There are people in this world who are enablers and others who are disablers.  The latter tend to be people who are given power over others and it goes to there head.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It is no longer a secret that there is a global elite with a mission to make humanity subservient to their will. It has been tried many times in the past.

I always wondered why people were so easy to be manipulated and enslaved. The idea of the wolves and the sheep made complete sense when i read it .

Humans are either hunters (wolves) or the hunted (sheep).

Sheep and humans can be observed to act in a similar manner. when a wolf is stalking sheep , two things usually happen. the sheep panic and run. This usually ends up with once of them being eaten. The other option is the head in the sand approach, there they continue grazing hoping the threat will pass. Usually their is one sheep that looks up and eyeballs the wolf, with it’s cover blown it attacks. Like a deer in the headlights the one that looked up is usually the last to run, it stands paralysed until at the last moment it tries to escape. Being to slow it gets eaten.

Now apply this to humans if someone blows the whistle on corruption, all hell breaks looks and they are usually attacked unmercifully. They eyeballed the wolf and now it is out to kill. No body stays to help, they are to busy running. They refused to stand up and expose the corruption for the fear of the recriminations.

Evil prospers when good men do nothing.

Fear paralyses people, they deny what is occurring and usually put their head in the stand and hope the problem will go away. This applies in a multitude of areas in our lives.

We are easily lead for the simple reason, most people see the good in other people, we all fail to realise that their is a small number of people out there who serve only their own interests.

Our unwillingness to change can be deep seated in our psyche and our body manufactures a myriad of chemicals that  lock us into a pattern where self survival overrides doing the right thing and acting with integrity.

We can continue to be lead like sheep or we can realise we can run with the wolves, the difference would be that we can be wolves that enable others to also run free.

Recognising our unwilling to change, learn or grow is a milestone. When we reach this point be have the ability to overcome our fears and take back contra; of our own lives. Once we reach this point our path is usually upward.  Now we are free to run with the wolves, a loyal and dedicated member of the pack and help the betterment of humanity.