The Cherokee peoples have a tale the helps us understand our inner conflicts. Here is a link to the story –

Within each of us their are two conflicting forces, one empowering, the other destructive. The good wolf and the bad wolf. Disney portrayed this in a Goofy comic as the devil and the Angel. Steiner dedicated thirty years, warning us of the dark force present in the world.  We have many ways to express the same tale.

The point is clearly made in the Cherokee tale that the winner is the one we feed. The key point is we have a choice, we decide, sometimes unconsciously which aspect of our nature shall win. Our personality is not fixed, even if we act as if it is – old dogs do learn new tricks. I saw this first hand with my old cattle dog.

We have within us the ability to adapt, to change – we can decide to do things differently. It starts within ourselves, the change begins when we finally reach that low point where we realise our behaviour is not a good presentation of who we really are. When speaking with people who have moved from a depressed personality into a better space, the key is always something along the lines of – I am better than this.

Which wolf will we continue to feed, the one that disempowers us, leads us towards negativity or do we do the hard yards to climb that seemingly insurmountable peak and become that person we are proud to be.

Is it easy? NO!!!! This journey is not for the faint hearted, the reasons to surrender, to give in to the old patterns is always whispering in our ear. It comes down to following Napoleon Hill’s advice  – having a Clearly Defined Goal and a Burning Ambition for It’s Achievement. 

Giving up is easy, being spiritually, emotionally and mentally lazy is a trap that awaits us all. I recommend reading Hill’s book Outwitting the Devil for a better understanding of the traps that await us all.

Every religion and philosophy speaks to the two forces that present in our lives. When we recognise the two forces we can understand our actions and the interplay that dances before us in our outer world.

Which Wolf will we feed and which wolf will we restrain – the dance of life awaits us

If you are stuck you may wish to consider using Motivational Kinesiology to help you change.