These three simply words, I Don’t Know are the most toxic, damaging and dangerous words in the English language.  I do not believe this in an overstatement of the fact.

We say these words so often with no concept of what we are hardwiring into our nervous system. These three words are the most powerful way to dumb ourselves down. We do know or we know how or where to find out.

If you really want to change your life, remove this quote from your life, delete it. Never let it come back into your life, ever.

I appreciate that when we go around saying I Know that people are going to get annoyed and consider us arrogant or up ourselves. So be it. It is not actually about telling the world we know it all, it is more about recognising we have the ability to solve the problem, find the solution.

No solutions were ever discovered from thinking I Don’t Know.

When we say or think I Don’t Know we are programming our whole system to do exactly  that Not Know. Do it enough and the automatic pattern sets us up to not know and limit our amazing nervous systems full potential to create a solution. Instead we use it’s unlimited abilities to dumb ourselves down, conform and fit in and worse of all be normal.

There is not one single sentinel being on this planet at this time who has chosen to be here at is normal. Each and every one is great beyond measure. Each of us can do what the late great,  Nelson Mandela showed, to shine our light brightly. I Don’t Know is an act of capitulation, or surrendering to something less than you really are.


“Anti-social behaviour is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists.”


– Nikola Tesla


When we continue to lie to ourselves with this false belief it begins to hardwire into our nervous system circuitry and become the normal way of operating. The immediate response is to Not Know, shut down the system, validating the lie and making it appear real. Neural pathways are created around the thought and soon it becomes our reality. It comes to pass that we indeed Do Not Know and expend no energy on creating a solution.

I Don’t Know is a form of mental slavery created by ourselves to trap us into a limited existence. Once in the chains of this limiting belief we at it’s mercy.

We take care with diet, we look after our bodies, yet we allow into our minds the most toxic  thing possible, this destructive thought to run freely within us. Tis thought when applied with due diligence will destroy ones mind. It is that powerful, yet we continue to jokingly throw the words around.

Words have power, words are energy. Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Nothing is solid,it is all a mass of moving energy, it is all light.

It is our thoughts that hold energy is form, that makes things seem solid. Science is validating this each and every day. Now does What we think is what we become. Make more sense.

When we apply our energy to not knowing we are creating our world. When we apply our energy to knowing we are creating our world. How many of us have the courage to admit we Know and begin to unlock the shackles humanity has applies to it.

Imagine having the most powerful transmitter/receiver working every milli second to empower and encourage us to be the very best we can be and all it took was to move to I Know.

Begin by listening to yourself, when you catch the I Don’t Know slipping out, have a little smile and simply say I Know the answer. That simple, be playful, enjoy the adventure, make it fun and turn your life into the magical mystery tour it is meant to be.