The last few weeks i have been off colour and like most of us, continued pushing. Sunday afternoon lying in the emergency ward of the hospital my body had pushed back and won the bout.

After a clean bill of health and all my symptoms intact, i was released and given a few days to recover.

The healing process began:

  1. Water – increased. Lots of alkalised water pH 8.5.
  2. Supplements – reviewed and reduced.
  3. Diet – soups , fruits and veggies. 
  4. Physical – walk on the beach with friend’s dog.
  5. Rest – little bit of work on website and plenty of downtime.
  6. Pain Management – suck it up. Somethings don’t change.
  7. Reschedule naturopathic consult.
  8. Address stress causes – here is where Motivational Kinesiology  (MK) and Simply Love enter the equation.

It seems like many men i probably leave things to long before addressing the issue. While resting, i pulled out my MK manuals and began to work on my problem. A chakra and gland correction here, a couple of flower essences where, a belief system and a few emotions  and I was beginning to see the pattern of how i had created the stress in the first place. That night i slept better.

Next morning the pain i had been in my right abdomen was significantly less, although i was feeling low in energy again. I lay down and began to use some of the Simply Love It skill set.

I began working with I want… Material things began to surface, experience taught to look elsewhere so i immediately began saying to myself I want to feel…

Nothing was surfacing, nothing! I could feel the pull of resistance working it’s spell. Lying quietly, saying to myself with all the emotion i could muster  I want to feel…. 

Finally i turned to the emotions chart in MK 1 and muscle tested to find frightened.

It made no sense (it never does at first). Experience had taught me to trust the process. so i continued. Here’s where the fun begins, i began repeating I want to feel frightened.

It seems not to make any sense, yet wait, deep from within a little voice slowly rises, a muffled whisper at first, growing in strength and courage.

The statements change;

I love being frightened to be myself.

I love being frightened to speak up.


Words can not express how much i love using these tools . Deep within, the scared little child. desperate to be able to fully express love was being smothered by layers of fears and limitations. Negative programming, of trying to fit into someone else’s box, conforming to the whacked out world in which we desperately attempt to simply survive.

The smile that came across my face would have to have been seen to be believed.  The joy, the happiness, the simple YES!

No, great victory march, no wild celebration,  no standing on the top of h the hill holding the beating heart of the conquered enemy aloft.

Just a simple beautiful silent YES!

That is the exquisite beauty of MK and Simply Love it.

I am extremely fortunate, my years of study have taught me the hidden language and patterns of the body and the mind, the love and the fear personalities we all nurture. When applied the system works fast and effectively for me.

For others the process can be more painful, simply because the lies and deception we have cowered under for most of our earthly walk have become easier to believe. It is simpler to live from the old damaging patterns than risk being who we really are.

We are all Children of the Lie and are yet to experience the enormity of that lie.

My own earth walk is testimony to that programming. Finally i can feel safe to express who i am and get on with serving humanity to make the change.

If you want to change your life, if you really want to free to be you, make the appointment, commit to your own growth.  

Whether you choose me or another practitioner makes no difference.

Do It Now!

Formal Education will get you a job

Self Education build you a life