It is our fears that control our lives, fear that blocks our creativity and closes our hearts to to the great love that permeates the universes.

Fear, that invisible, intangible expression of our lowest manifestation of our humanness. The power to focus us on what we do not want, connect with our separateness from all that is.  The limitations we set upon ourselves to conform , to fit in and dumb ourselves down so we will be accepted. Fear is the chains of slavery that bind us to all that is wrong in the world.

If only a small portion of humanity unlocked the shackles that bind us our earth would become a paradise in the fleeting of a single moment.  Once the critical mass is reached humanity as a whole will raise it’s vibration.  A few powerful leaders are changing the world by going within, challenging their demons with love and returning empowered. There is a scene in the Lord of the Rings where Gandalf the Grey, falls into the pits of hell with the dragon, only to return transformed into Gandalf the White.

To face and love our fears is a Road Less Travelled for the great bulk of humanity. It is left to a Few Good Men to face and banish the demons. Like Froddo and Sam returning the Ring, the few save the multitudes.

Are we the warrior or the wimp? Do we have the courage to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes and take arms against a sea of troubles or sit in front of the idiot box cowering from the great adventure that leads us to Freedom?

FEAR, (False evidence appearing real) infects our lives, poisoning our thoughts and disconnecting us from our hearts. For too long we have been Children of the Lie. Limiting ourselves to comply with the dominating world view that sees humanity as a slave to a unseen controlling influence. Fear is the lowest expression of love, no more no less. So simple yet so misunderstood.

To unlock the shackles we simply need to become more loving, more focussed on what makes us feel empowered. Love, is the only key to changing our lives. Nothing else matters, except the full and dedicated pursuit of the highest expression of love in every aspect of our lives.

Imagine, a world where each and every sentient being is driven by the highest power in the universes. John Lennon’s words seem appropriate

Some say i am a dreamer

but i am not the only one.

One day you may join us

and the world will be as one.

Think of a seesaw, at one end fear,the dark lifeless energy. The other, love, light, empowering, energetic. Where ever we place our attention on that see saw is where it will balance. It is focus that governs which side of the fulcrum will set the balance. Less love moves us into the dark of our consciousness. More love moves us to the light, empowered side of the scale. We, and we alone set the tipping point. We choose a limited or unlimited flow of love in our lives. it is us, only ourselves who command the outcome.  We are the Masters of our reality.

Want more love in your life, focus on it! If you are having trouble book for an appointment. With modern artificial intelligence we can communicate anywhere in the world.

Let love rule your life and your fears will transmute into empowering energy. Be who you were born to be.

 Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars