
I saw this online line today and could not let it pass. What a load of nonsense. Anger not expressed is toxic, the caustic damage it does to the body/mind has no equal. Unexpressed anger is linked with cancer and depression and a host of other diseases.

I had a client today, an older man  who had so much bottled up anger it was palatable, the room vibrated from the intensity of it. On the outside he was a sweet lovely old man, on the inside a raging volcano of unvented emotion in the form of anger.

I see this suppressed anger in many New Age, Religious and Nice People. Inside is a far different world, an ugly destructive energy eating away at their very souls. They are listening to the wrong people and it is time to retire off some of these “Be Happy” guru’s and get real. Anger directed purposely can change the world.

It is time, we as a society we learned to channel and appropriately release anger. Use it to build up a head of steam to push forward, constructively.

Is it right to take it out on our family friends, our animals? Absolutely not, it is just spreading our diseased state with others who do not deserve our rubbish.

Lets step back, what is Anger? Let me express it this way, anger is no more than the urge to change our current situation and the lack of courage to act on those feelings. What we are saying is “I want change and I bloody well want it NOW!” That simple. It is no big boggy man, it is a natural emotion that society has put a taboo on. That is why sport is so popular, people’s anger can be managed by watching or participating.

Anger is Passion in dressed in drag. It is our passions, not suitably harnessed and released. Passion fires the imagination, our love of life,  family, the arts, our love-life, whatever floats your boat.

Strong anger, hatred  and its ugly cousin racism are emotions we don’t allow to be expressed safely. Some people boil over and inflict their suffering on anyone they can.

That same emotion when harassed and directed can drive us the heights of human endeavour, it can open our hearts to a beauty beyond our wildest imagination. All we need do is recognise we are angry and take appropriate steps. It could be a simple as going for a walk, run or the gym, using a punching bag, kicking a ball around or bashing a pillow.

One of the most powerful life changing skills I have experienced involved allowing myself to get as angry as I could and at that critical point asking myself “What do I want! What do I really want!” The night I did this I was in a foul mood from something someone had said. I came home went to kick the heavy wooden box in my office and thought the better. I was furious, so mad I ranted and raved and then, in that magic moment when I had the my anger at a peak I asked myself out loud. “What do I want”

Next morning I had so much gratitude and love towards everyone. I was grateful to people I did not even like. By owning and channelling the raw power of my emotions I was able to move into a better place. I had used the intense emotions to push forward instead of holding me back.

Next time anger is an issue, recognise it. Go somewhere safe and express it the best way possible. Get angry, rant, rave, scream if it helps. Get the power of the emotion moving and when you can really feel it, ask yourself “What Do I Really Want”.

You will feel so much better.

What happened with the client? I applied 25 years of skill to get him angry in a safe way. I pushed all the right buttons and used his illness as the tool to have him face his anger and decide to make some changes. Knowing how to piss someone off to safely express anger is not something one learns overnight. I watched a different man walk out today.

So to the person who created the above image, Thank You! It made me angry enough to speak up. Now use your anger to be the most magnificent person you can be and change the world.

So by all means cry, yet after dealing with your angry the tears will more be ones of joy and love.