“Yesterday is history, 

tomorrow is a mystery, 

and today is a gift… 

that’s why they call it the present”

Master Oogway —

— Kung Fu Panda 

Ever stopped and really listened to your own inner chatter and the negativity and degrading manner in which it treats you?  We have a gift for bringing ourselves undone, for turning a positive into a negative and not realising we have done it.

We live in a sea of Fear and Limitation, fed to us via the media and the people around us. So often we have no idea we are regurgitating OPO’s (other people’s opinions) as facts. We can deny it all we like, thinking for ourselves, doing our own due diligence is challenging and takes effort.

We are naturally gifted creators of our own reality, with this in mind it is useful to look carefully at our creations. Not quite what we were planning? Actually we got exactly what we working on. We spend so much time focussing on what we don’t want while the “I want” ship is still in dry dock. 

So often we lock onto a story and repeat it day after day, wanting a different outcome which never comes. At times it is of our own making, other times it is the urban myth, the story woven into the fabric of the society that is dominate at the time. A world view not of our making.  Only when we have had enough and are willing and eager to improve our lot, that any form of change can occur.

If we are going to invest so much time an effort into creating our story, might it be more useful to build the creation you desire. After all you will be spending a long, long time in your Masterpiece. Build it right first time is sound advice. Making changes afterwards takes far more effort.

OK, so the Masterpiece has been created and you have invested a lot of time and effort, to finally work out, it isn’t what you want. What do you do? Simple enough answer, create a new story and use what did not work out to discover what is important.  It takes time and effort, a price many people think is too high to pay. Drifting through life is far easier. Napoleon Hill covers the topic beautifully in “Outwitting with Devil”.

“Your story may not have such a happy beginning 

but that does not make you who you are,

 it is the rest of it – who you choose to be”

― Soothsayer —

— Kung Fu Panda —

Resistance and unwillingness seem to be hard wired into us. It is as if Change is a life threatening condition to be avoided at all costs. Whilst it is the only real constant in our lives, we seem to want to move heaven and earth to prove we are better, stronger and smarter than the Natural Laws of Life  God if you will.

Are you willing and capable of writing a new script, taking the time and effort to dig below the superficial and explore the hidden and untapped talents and opportunities on offer when we open ourselves to our deeper needs, Are you ready to ask the big questions – How Can I Best Serve Humanity? 

How can I the most loving person I can be at all times?

Neville Goddard puts so eloquently when he discusses Living in the Past – regurgitating the pain and suffering, or victories and opportunities now gone as Living in the Cemetery. Our past is dead, it will never be revived or resuscitated. It is now in the Land of the Decreased, except in the old story we cling to. Like a person grasping for life as the ship sinks, letting go of what was, seems beyond imagination. And yet, in doing so, in making the effort to begin to imagine and create the life you want, to create the new screenplay for what is to be we create the future.

You are too concerned with what was and what will be.

— Grand Master Oogway —

— Kung Fu Panda —

Many people struggling with depression tend to live in their heads, in the past, those with anxiety tend to live in the future always worrying “what if”. Bringing our attention to the Now and focusing on the outcomes we desire can help us lift out of the fear based negativity and start taking some control.  

Many people live the same drama day in and day out. The set may change, new actors enter the stage, but the story line remains intact. The fees and limitations continue to hound us. Sometimes we fight on doggedly, resisting any chance of change. Others time the burden of drudgery drags us down and escape seems futile. Why change when we know the outcome, at least in knowing we can feel a level of safety. Taking a risks unimaginable, too dangerous. The vast majority of we humans would rather play it safe than step out and “Live The Dream”. 

“Don’t push past memories deeper inside of yourself. 

Let those memories breathe and let old wounds heal.”

— Kung Fu Panda —

Our greatest challenge and opportunity is to break free of OPO’s (other people’s opinions) and societies need to conform and express our innate nature gifts for the highest good of humanity and hence ourselves. 

If you wish to change start with sincerity. Decide one something you wish to create and focus all your attention as if you already have it and be Grateful for what you have received. Sounds too simple I know. I have played with this concept for years. Recently I made a few little tweaks to the process and I have to admit I was shocked at the speed things changed.

 To give you some encouragement, watch Kung Fu Panda, I mean really watch and learn, it is a powerful life lesson in a fun form.

“Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it gets agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.”

– Master Oogway —

— Kung Fu Panda —