The Law of Intention

You Too Can Do This – And Greater Things

— Jesus —

Most people have heard of the Law of Attraction. It is everywhere in Pop Culture and the Business Community. Napoleon Hill sums it up with his statement Conceive, Believe, Achieve. Earle Nightingale described it as What You Think About You Bring About. Search any Holy Book and it will be there  Where ever we place our intention, we give our thoughts, feelings or actions energy.

The basic premise is to truly believe what you desire is already in your life. Easy enough said and surprising more difficult to put into practice. We may say we are doing it right, yet behind the scenes we are blocking or taking actions or holding thoughts and feelings that are in opposition. Neville Goddard talks about Looking for Signs when we are working towards change. I realised he was drawing my attention to one of the traps we fall into. We do the mind work, Trust the process, then undo all by looking for a sign, confirmation we are on track. We lack trust and faith in the end result, we are searching for validation we are on track.  We need some sign to reduce our inner mistrust, our doubt, we want proof. This very act undermines the whole process. All the research shows we must stay focussed on Having it Now. Doubt always undermines our belief in ourselves and the process of change. It connects with our Willing to Change/Learn, a key factor in the Change/Healing Process.

What Do You Really Desire or Want in Your Life? Really!!!

Are You Willing To Give Up What You Don’t Want?

Are You Willing To Accept Change?

It is easy to say Yes to these questions, yet so many of us are deluding ourselves. Change is difficult for must of us. Conformity and Being Comfortable with Our Lot is addictive and limiting. We are OK until things become a little difficult or we have to apply ourselves. Having the discipline to Do What We Need seems to desert us, we resort to It’s Too Hard. 

Whether You Believe You Can

Or Believe You Can’t

You Are Correct

It Is the Thinking That Makes It So

 – Henry Ford –

The process behind the Law of Intention works in our lives constantly, whether we are intending or focussing on the negative or the constructive. If we spend all our time focussed on what we do not want that is all we think or feel about. It most cases it drains our energy and enthusiasm. Paying attention or consciously choosing empowering thoughts raises our energy. Focussing our Intentions on What we do desire builds and creates that picture and increases our chances of succeeding with our goals. 

I wanted to make some changes in my life. Looking at each part of the new puzzle I was able to connect the dots and find the common theme. Focussing on it and using the Statement  I am So Happy And Grateful I AM……….  I felt my energy and enthusiasm rise within minutes of starting. Whilst this process works best in a meditative or relaxed focus state, it will also bring benefits when used in our daily waking state. The first three days make a huge impression on our subconscious and sets the wheels of change in motion. With enough intensity and dedication to the cause. it is sometimes surprising the way in which People, Places and Events line up to bring about our vision. 

The Law of Intention can be powerful tool for lifting ourselves out of the negative downward spiral of Depression and Anxiety. Instead of focussing on the negatives or What ifs, we change the direction of our focus and begin to search for thoughts, feelings or actions to improve our mood and confidence and increase the encouragement we give ourselves. In every negative situation there is an opportunity to express more Love  or find a way to Feel Good Now. Whilst some situations, events or people are beyond our control – our ability to maintain our inner equilibrium is totally under our control. We can choose to Act or React, to take control or be at the mercy of external factors. Many refuse to accept and action this basic truth, this is why they are stuck in a Sea or Limitation, negativity and pain. Being Willing to Change/Learn and then actioning the necessary steps is damn hard work at first. Finding anyway to make it fun, enjoyable or a worthwhile challenge helps. Playing the Game of Life by setting our own desired outcomes goes a long way to making us Feel Good Now, Then Better. We have the ability to build ourselves up or break ourselves down. An uncomfortable truth.

How do Intend to live the rest of your life? 

Are you Willing to Dream Bigger and accept the results?

Are you Willing to Focus all your attention on having what you want and visualising it?

When working with the Law of Intention many people Test the Water, they experiment with a goal, dream or vision. If it works they upscale, if it does not they give up. This is one way, another is to set the bar high, visualise, daydream, meditate on the End Result and the feelings of having it Now. It will take the same amount of energy which ever decision you make. 

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes
