Many people go through stressful and life changing events. They have endured abuse that most of us would never comprehend and come out the other side wiser and more empowered.

Some  buckle under the stress of the computer not working fast enough, some one cutting in front of them when driving. Everyone has a different breaking point.

Modern life whilst appearing stressful is more imagination than fact. There are people out their struggling to feed their kids and themselves, the threat of death  haunts their very existence.

The western world has become soft – shock horror. The comfortable life has weakened our ability to cope with even the smallest of issues, we turn little issues into  never ending dramas and soap-operas.  There are more anti-depressants being pushed now than anytime in the history of the human race.


Could it be  that we have been lured by the seductive rewards of a comfortable life. We want everything  immediately and have lost the concept of patience. We are losing our ability to have compassion for others.

There is a rise in right wing political parties all over the world. The plan for global domination through the control of money. Yes it is real, just because you do not wish to see does not alter the fact that the end game is in play.

Why do you think there is so much noise about Brexit? The Swiss never joined and they are doing well.

The Australian election is being painted as a disaster. To whom? The Australian people have made their chose and the political minders, business and elite who control the government and not happy.  This is one of the healthiest elections in decades, the people are having their say, democracy at it’s best.

The world is changing, people are waking up to the nightmare we have all created. Yes – no one is exempt. We all play our part.

People do not dislike change, they hate it. I have heard so many people say they just want a clear outcome in this Australian election. Why? Because they can not deal with change. We as a nation have voted. Pauline Hanson is back in politics. It is not good or bad, she is a spokesperson for the people that voted for her. It is called free will and it is something most people want for themselves but have no interest in sharing with others.

The whole world is experiencing a dark night of the soul, where everything we believed is coming ga part as th sunshine of truth  shines forth.  I was listening to some Australian authors talk about the Aboriginal massacres and rape of the women on the radio. Many people have the attitude to Just get over it. One author made an important point, the aboriginals were patriots fight ing to save their country. We don’t get over Lest we forget, and the sacrifice the Australians made for the British Empire. No that is no mistake, they were not fighting for Australia, they were fighting for their King

We are children of the biggest lie and now is the time it is being exposed. It is going to be hard for some, impossible for others to realise the truth and begin to come to terms with what has been done to humanity for eons.

The real reason so many people are struggling and un coping has more to do with their unwilling to recognise they do not know what they do not know.

Most people’s stress can be boiled to what sort of person you are. Are you a Service to Self or are you A Service to Others. type. Are you greedy and self serving or do you look at the big picture and consider the options and how it affects others.

A man commented on the radio today that he voted for the Greens because they were looking 10 – 15 years ahead.

Our lives are governed by our attitudes and our ability to look forward and recognise the potentials. Nothing is the same, the Australian election has shown that, Brexit has as well.

Are we on the cusp of the Golden Age or shall our Service to Self mentality enslave humanity for another 26, 000 years.

The Dark Night of the Soul is a time for introspection, soul searching and making the decision to move forward or hide behind the barricades as the momentum of change swipes with a new brush.