Stop with the Horror Stories.

We have the ability to influence our lives and those around us with our core beliefs. We can create heaven on earth or a living hell, all by the feelings and beliefs we choose to embrace and nurture into existence. 

Life can be a Bitch, throwing roadblock after roadblock in our path. Digging deeper and taking ownership we can change our view to one where we go within and discover the Power of Creation hidden within. That Power can build or destroy us. We get to choose and most of us choose not to choose and become ships on the raging sea of indecision, a victim  of Life’s currents.  We can become shipwrecked on the shores of our own indecisiveness. Napoleon Hill covers this beautifully in his book Outwitting the Devil.

When we buy the Great Lie we forget who and what we really are. Our descent into littleness is hastened by the beliefs, “We are not good enough, unworthy, unforgivable and undeserving and unwilling to recognise we are being Lied to, or worse Lying to ourselves”. The moment we change our perception, when we begin to trust that inner voice, our golden winged angelic messenger and turn down the volume on our wayward lost daemons magic takes over in our lives.

We have no idea of the enormity of our creative power and our ability to Love. We also underestimate how we can mess up our lives. We are Gods making our deep inner beliefs manifest. In a mechanistic,  technological world these words may seem strange. This however does not take away from the deeper truth, there is something greater in the multiverse and we are the perfect expression of it, for better or worse The unwillingness to accept there is something bigger, more embracing than us, underlies many of the problems we face, personally and globally. Moving from competition to cooperation takes us on a journey of connectedness, Love and a feeling of belonging. To begin living the dream and surrender the delusion of pain and suffering means waking up to the Power Within, to accept we influence our reality, we are the observers, affecting the observed.

Some speak of entering the sacred space within our head, others,  the noble space in our hearts. Either way the journey is inwards, towards that quiet inner voice that knows all there is to know. It is unshackling from the outer world of illusion and journeying into that space were we are connected with something higher, finer and all knowing.

Within this space, a place where Loves resides Horror Stories become journeys of initiation, the pathway back to the global heart, the universal source of all life and Love. Every negative experience in our lives is an opportunity to express more Love. The bigger the trauma, the greater need to Love. After it is all said and done the only thing that matters, the only energy that expands and enlivens us is Love. If it takes a horror story to wake us up, to bring us to point of turning and facing the sun again, the journey was well worth it. Sometimes people come into our lives and break down the walls of fear, either with more pain or with Love, cracking our wall of resistance and letting Love flow into our darkened hearts. If we are not on the journey exploring Love we are dying, or already dead and waiting for the body to decompose.

Life is either a Horror Story or an epic Love story, and we get to choose which one we will explore and nurture.