As Within

So Without

When we are confronted with challenges and seek change in our lives, we eventually come to the same realisation as the Masters, we must go within. If anything is the change in our lives we need to change our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours from our inner world.

Whatever occurs in our outer world is the product of what we hold within. Without changing ourselves the old patterns will eventually pull us back to the old status quo. Being Willing to change our limiting and fear based beliefs, expose them and work towards a new script, a new and better story, frees us to expand into a larger self.

No matter how far we have fallen, no matter how deep, our pain, once we make the decision and look at how we  participated in our own demise can we begin the journey from what we don’t want to the life we wish to live.

All religions point to the fact that the creator is within. Quantum Physics states the Observer Affects The Observed.  Within is the power of the multiverse, untapped to its full potential. Like a sea of static energy it awaits the decisions we make and set forth forces  to create our new lives, for better or worse.

Going within, involves quieting the outer chatter of the conscious mind and allow the still quiet voice to surface. Mediation or deep contemplation open this doorway. Using the services of a practitioner with skills in this area is another option. In fact using someone can be useful to get us past our own delusions. Motivational Kinesiology is one tool that can help us release old programmes and replace them with new ones.

Recently I worked with someone who was repeating old patterns in relationships. We uncovered a block from the time of conception around Love. They also believed they needed to be forgiven for being born and being male. They settled on the statement, “I don’t realise my True Value”, as the next logical step. Once they begin to recognise their Value they can continue up the Love spiral to the point where their Self Love is more dominant than the old belief. 

It may surprise some that beliefs can occur at conception. Discussing the issue with the client they expressed the opinion, they were more than likely not conceived from an act of Deep Respectful Love. They knew their family history and it made sense to them. Armed with a new story this person can now start a new journey to a place more in line with the person they wish to be.  

Our conscious left brain is logical, facts orientated, and driven by our senses. It is our little brain. When stuck in this low gear level of functioning we can be emotionally cold and self centred, lacking compassion and Emotional Intelligence.

The right brain is the wholistic Brain, it works in pictures, intuition, emotions, concepts and some say it is our connection to the Universal Mind. It is illogical, it is 90% of Mind/Brain function. Real change occurs when the two are in coherence. The logical brain is the gate keeper, the wholistic brain, the orchestra. At times we need to bypass the logical brain, access the wholistic brain and identify the mental/emotional/spiritual virus and reprogram it. Then we put the Gatekeeper back to work protecting the new programme. 

When we can break free of or ego, our fear based little brain we open up to a creative tapestry of opportunities. 

Do enough research and it quickly becomes obvious that this untapped Power Within can heal  our lives, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The seeds of dysfunction reside beside our ability to change the conditions of our lives. Do some weeding, plant the right ideas, feelings and desires and with care a new garden will grow. We will need to be diligent in weeding out those thoughts and feelings that no longer serve the new journey. Once we replace the seeds of doubt and fear a deeper Love is able to blossom within.

If You Don’t Go Within

You Will Go Without