How often have we heard or offered the advice, “Just Be Yourself”. It sounds like really good advice. The weak point of this approach is No One really knows themselves. We are all products of Other People’s Opinions and throughout our lives we have been told or shown what to believe, programmed by outside forces. We tend to seek our answers from the outer world instead of going within. We have been so programmed to believe in authority outside ourselves, the idea that what we are seeking is within seems ridiculous.

We act and behave differently depending on the environment, our health and whether our inner need are being addressed. We are all effected by the energy fields of other people, which ignite and trigger any unresolved core values within ourselves and react out different behaviours unconsciously. When we are around people we like, we act a certain way. It changes when we are with someone we Love, and is vastly different when we are surrounded by those we don’t like or don’t like us. We can be confident within our little bubble and go to pieces at the sight of blood, a snake, a shark, etc.

In most cases we are being ourselves, the frightened self, the hurt self, the abused self, the happy self, the loving self, etc. Our environment can have a deep impact on us, bringing to the surface our fears or limitations or our likes and dislikes. We are a kaleidoscope of emotions, thoughts and behaviours, each different and unique. Being Change adverse we humans tend to want everyone and everything in our lives to be predictable. When someone in our circle makes changes we unconsciously and sometimes consciously try and shut down the changes so we can stay safe.

To be ourselves we need to take a much broader perspective, a wider view of the full emotional and mental spectrum we are capable of expressing. We are changeable and at times unpredictable creatures, capable of a massive range of expression, and yet we try and limit ourselves and others into a narrow spectrum acceptable emotional and mental expression.

To be ourselves we need a highly developed understanding of ourselves and our ability to change. We require a deeper understanding of our own truths, needs and desires.