Suppression occurs when we limit our self-expression. This process usually begins in childhood. We quickly learn from others that when our behaviour is considered OK, we receive praise, when it’s not acceptable, we end up in trouble or approval is withheld.

Over the term of our lives we constantly make adaptations based on receiving this approval from others. The cost is our self-expression. We suppress or hold back saying or doing things that are not acceptable by other people’s standards to the point that we literally Suppression occurs when we limit our self-expression.

This process usually begins in childhood. We quickly learn from others that when our behaviour is considered OK, we receive praise, when it’s not acceptable, we end up in trouble or approval is withheld.

This suppressed or unexpressed part of ourselves expands as we push more issues “under the carpet“. Our ability to solve problems, by accessing that part of our mind, reduces & we become more reactionary & dependent on people, substances, etc. We tend to react to situations instead of responding. Mental, emotional & physical health suffers.

Our lives are robotic, lacking inspiration & individuality. Who we are, is replaced with who we think we are. Anything can be suppressed, eg. emotions, beliefs, sensitivities, willingness, etc. Using the scan list (page 25, Motivational Kinesiology One Manual) will assist to identify what the underlying issue is.

 A clinical example: A client presented with severe migraines she had suffered for 40 years. It was found they had first started when she emigrated to Australia. The pain was her one link with her home country. She had a suppressed belief system, “I am imprisoned” & had to give herself permission to be “freed” of her pain & the grief of all that she had left behind. off part of our own character.


Using Motivational Kinesiology, it is possible to identify and correct suppression issues