I mention rebounding in Kissing the Black Dog. It is a gentle, easy form of exercise.

I must point out when starting it is advisable to go gently. If anyone has tension, a sore knees, neck back, or other muscle pain, stating slow is the way to go. 

Our body is made up of 3 trillion cells, all living, eating and breathing. breathing. The information laid out below from Darren Carter adds to what is included in Kissing the Black Dog.

Visit http://rebound-air.com/rebounders/ultimate-rebounder for more information.


You help your cells perform their functions well (…or not). Cells, performing their specific functions as intended, can heal the body faster, delay the aging process (“aging is a myth” says Al) achieve a healthy body composition, remain disease and pain free for longer durations… not to mention the energy by day and the deep sleep waiting for you at night.

Concept One: In order for your cells to be healthy, there are four contributing factors you control by the decisions you make and the habits you form:

If just one of these quadrants is neglected the result can be illness, discomfort, pain, decrease in productivity… well, you get the idea. Needless to say, knowledge in these four areas is power:

1) Cell Food – In order for the cells to operate, replicate, grow and repair, they need the amazing ingredients of Mother Nature’s organic green foods. You are, quite literally, what you eat. Scary. Question is, do you consume people food or cell food? Your dietary content of cellular food could improve. Your cells are requesting, right now, even as you read this, for you to add Wheatgrass, Blue Green Micro Algae, Kelp, Bioflavonoids, Chlorophyll, Yellow Dock, Acerola Cherry and Rose Hips to your morning oatmeal. Or, if this doesn’t sound appealing to your affinity for people food (I don’t blame you), keep reading. We will share how you can put all of these together, wrap them into tablets and cover in a smooth organic mint plant extract.

2) Cell Environment – Your cells are surrounded by fluid (called interstitial fluid). Since most of it is composed of water, it is safe to say that the purity, the PH and correct trace minerals available of consumed water are critical to your cell environment. The amount of water consumed is also just as important. Dehydration causes loss of some functions of the body. “A reduction of 4 to 5% in body water could result in a decline of up to 20% in overall work performance.” -A.C. Guyton, MD. As we age, our body’s ability to indicate thirst decreases. As a result, dizziness, some headaches, visual problems and even mental clarity are effected by the decrease in blood volume. You can improve your own Cell Environment by drinking plenty of PH perfect pure water and supplementing your diet with a perfectly mineralized Cell Food, as described above.

Improving your body’s Cell Water, Step 1: To establish and maintain the ideal cell environment, you’ll need the best Cell Water system. For more information, contact Al Carter himself. Here’s his office e-mail or give him a call toll free 1-888-464-5867. Tell him “ImmuneSystem.org” sent you to ask about the world’s most perfect Cell Water.

3) Cell Communication – Your cells communicate and act in unison partly as a result of transmission between them and the brain. If transmission isn’t clear then the cells and organs do not function optimally. Another form of intra-cell communication is the fascinating orchestration of elemental exchange around the cell membranes. Examples include: receptor sites, neurotransmitters, the ‘sodium-potassium pump’, the entire endocrine system (hormones released, stimulated/inhibited) the exchange of food, oxygen, elimination of waste and bi-products of caloric expenditure (breakdown of food sources to produce ATP and then the bi-products of the breakdown of the stored chemical energy within the ATP molecules to perform cellular activities). There are nutritional ways you could enhance and “condition” your cellular communication.
This is a broad area of cell health. In addition to nutrition and exercise, science is finding and recording the significant positive influences that meditation, prayer, love, relaxation, peace, massage and others, are having on our cell communication and whole-body organ-tissue coordination. (Say that ten times fast) Some call this the mind-body link, an area of pychosomatics. Others place these with spirituality. However you choose to categorize them, these are time-tested practices, habits, decisions that can influence even the tiniest of cells. They come highly recommended! It is exciting to learn what we always knew, intuitively.

4) Cell Exercise – No, the cells don’t have muscles! However, muscles are made up of specialized cells. Benefits typically enjoyed as a result of regular exercise are the products of improvement within and around the cells. (Case in point: increased mitochondria count in response to increased cardiovascular demand) Some improvements occur not only for the muscle cells, but for just about every cell type in the body. For example, the amazing mechanisms that provide balance and coordination for all body movement (cerebellum, CNS, joint proprioceptors, inner ear) are also made of connected groups of specialized cells. Like muscle cells, these adapt to demands created by exercise. An exercise that places these cells in an unfamiliar environment, such as jumping and performing Rebound Aerobics rather than walking on solid ground, more effectively challenges these cells, leading to the conditioning of these cells within their specific function. This includes the creation of skill set memory and series of movement adjustments for the next time the same activity is performed. This process is what we refer to when describing the phenomenon of increased coordination, rhythm, timing, dexterity and kinesthetic awareness. Or, simply put, “I’m more comfortable with it now.”

© Darren Carter, BS (Exercise Physiology), RCS (Registered Cardiovascular Sonographer

Simply bouncing gently can improve the health of our cells , leading to a healthier mind, body and spirit. Using gravity we can move toxins away from and nutrients to the cells. it can help relax tired muscles and release built up stress. Try it out, you may be amazed.


Copies of Kissing the Black Dog are now available. Please email me a glaskin@ozemail.com.au for information. Please like the Kissing the Black Dog Facebook page.