To think for oneself and have original ideas and concepts is a dangerous preoccupation.

It is guaranteed to lead to isolation and feeling of not fitting in or that something is wrong with us. Being normal,  a hazard and risk to our health has is instilled into us from an early age. We are made to conform, schools and educators and families, sometimes without appreciating their actions try to break the non conformists.

Depression and anxiety can be nurtured and developed in this type of environment. We become stressed when we are not like everyone else. Regrettably being like everyone else is a curse of unimagined mediocrity and brain numbing insanity.

A child born into this type of environment is going to resist for awhile, then finally they will be bent to the values of their Masters. It is like training a baby elephant. The trainers place a strong collar and chain around the babies leg. It pulls, it struggles, it fights to no avail. One day it just gives up, it has been defeated, trained it submit.

Not fitting in and seeing the world for what is can challenge even the stronger heart to submit. Few have the courage to fight on, look for a creative solution and become part of healing the planet. Their are so many wonderful souls walking this planet, who could make such inspirational changes if they had not been broken by those who supposedly Love them.

Children are fed a fairy tale from an early age that goes something like this. Study hard, get a job, get married, have kids (feed the machine). Don Tolman in a audio tape created for a MLM company – Brain Garden, talks about Children of the Lie.

That’s us, all of us. We live in a illusion where 1% of the population control the other 99% through debt slavery. Imagine being able to see this and no one listens. Think that might be enough to make someone depressed?

There are many people waking up to the lies and are trying to awaken and help their fellow man to become free. What they fail to realise, the vast majority of humans are like the baby elephant – broken and submissive. All the fight is gone, they have no desire for real change. This is why so many prefer people who make them laugh, like to have parties and abuse food and drugs. It dulls the pain of their submission. They will get very angry at anyone disturbs their sleep.

The times, they are a changing a silent wave  s sweeping this planet and one by one new lights begin to shine through sleepy eyes. Humanity os waking up and the era we are moving into will be like nothing we have seen before.

Take the time to Kiss your Black Dog, find gratitude in your heart and tie care of your mind, body and soul for where we are heading is going to be exciting.