Over Easter I turned on the TV and  Mel Gibson’s, Passion of the Christ, had started, I sat and watched, thinking as I did, that in two thousand years humanity has not changed much. To forgive them for they know what they do is  still relevant.

We have  weapons that can destroy humanity several times over. Some people with so much wealth singularly they could reduce starvation. We have companies that turn out poisonous  products and label it food. We are in a mess. We really have not changed since Jesus was hung on the cross (Ok, some people don’t believe it). Let’s stay with the principle or concept.

In Mel’s movie The brutally meted out to the Messiah, was based on supporting the rich Priestly case. Today that class is the corporate pirates, robbing the masses to feather their own nests.

If the Jesus story is true what an amazing being he was to be able, in the midst of his own suffering ask his God to forgive the mere mortals who betrayed the truth. How many of us today  do the opposite, sacrifice  the good of humanity to feather our own nests?

A couple of days ago A Russian Special Services Officer called an air strike on himself, killing many (western) based terrorists. An act of courage, to give up one’s life for a greater cause.

Mel’s movie left me pondering forgiveness, here in Australia the level of corporate, government and legal system  corruption is coming to light. What should we do? Well, most people find a deeper hole in which to bury their heads. This of course leaves another part of our anatomy more exposed and vunerable.

Some become outraged and do nothing. Other make and effort to direct their anger into harming those they do not agree with.

What about forgiveness. If a man brutalised the way Jesus was, or Nelson Mandela was treated, can dig deep into the soul and shine the light of love, why can’t we?

Forgiveness is a powerful tool, one displayed by people of a unique genre, those earth angels, visionaries, luminaries and healers who silently walk this planet. In most cases they are ostracised, condemned and persecuted by the corrupt elements within ourselves.

Forgiveness is an act of courage, one where we need to reach deep within, transgressing the fear  of our lower human selves and seek out the light of our higher inspired selves. 

Forgiveness takes something special, something that lies within each of us. Like the Russian Officer is about the whole not just self gratification.

An unwillingness to forgive is totally driving by our little selves, the desperate fear mongering part of our shadow selves that spread it’s ugly cloak high to block the sun, the light of our greatness.

Why should I forgive? To ask this question is and act of ignorance. Forgiveness is a part of our core being. Unwillingness to forgive is our pain, projected outwards to infect the world and bring everything down into our living hell.

Father forgive them, for they know not what they do! This is a powerful statement that goes to the heart of the 4 levels of learning. If we do not practice forgiveness, the real deal not some fanciful mind game we are most likely stuck in not knowing what we do not know.

We all have  good reasons to practice forgiveness, there is no one or nothing outside of ourselves that can hurt us. To believe so is unconscious incompetence – not knowing what we do not know.

For those wishing to practice forgiveness the words of Jesus may be a wonderful mediation Father forgive them for they know not what they do! This will not work if we come from a space of smugness or superiority. It comes from a willing heart and a loving soul.

Forgiveness is the sign of an advanced soul, a person living from a higher purpose. I appreciate at this time it is not for everyone.  Please consider the benefits of forgiving for yourself and the planet. Hey it may also ripple out into the universe.