Ego – Is Not A Dirty Word


Ego is another word for our fears and limitations. It is when we give into the little me residing deep inside and stop seeing the greater we that lays untapped at the core of our being. So many people speak of killing the ego, destroying that part of ourselves, which when addressed may be our greatest ally and savour.

We live in a fear based world, every aspect of our earthly experience is coloured by OPF’s (other people’s fears). The media thrives on the negative, as Anne Murray points out in her song – Good News Does Not Make A Paper Sell. Fear is our constant companion, we live and breathe its toxic effects each and every day. Our decisions are based on what we fear, what we will lose or what might hurt us.  We function in the limited world of I can’t. Instead of stepping into the light of reason and seek that inner courage to Do Things Differently. 

There is a duality that operates on this planet and in our lives. Regrettably many choose to live in the monochrome colour palette of negative thoughts and feelings and resist, sometimes forcefully, opening to the Rainbow colours of the empowered self.

Within the darkened world of the negative ego, real living and loving is a fantasy, the pain and suffering we hold onto so dearly, like an addiction, drains the goodness and vibrancy from our lives.  We become           robotic, a mechanised version of our human organic self, lacking in true meaning, and the deeper interconnected reality of service to the greater whole as much as to ourselves.

The positive dimensions of Ego is a healthy sense of self worth and value. It binds a strong sense of self with the ability to help others. Our lives and those of others are enriched when we choose the path of the positive empowered ego, enriching the quality of our lives and ability to love and be loved. 

When we choose to change the channel and tune into the Positive aspects of ourselves, others and life in general, we begin to change how our body reacts to life’s stressors. We become more confidence, illnesses can be released as the Power of Our True Nature arises from the mud and grim from the gamut of lies and deceptions we have played on ourselves or borrowed from others.

Deep within each of us is a person with the ability to make positive changes in our own lives and those of others. Whether you do or don’t is decided by you. We all get to choose the drama we play out, it can be one filled with positivity or negativity. Only you get to decide whether you feed your angel or your demon. 

Change is always believed to be hard. What if that was not true? What if, the truth lay in our unwillingness to change or learn?  Could our addiction to suffering and drama be more comforting than the open honest expression of our higher self, our angelic nature?

Ego is your Friend or your Foe, it builds and supports you or it destroys you. Please choose wisely.