Fear is the dominate emotion in most people’s lives. Few escape the drag of this low vibration and live a life of peace and harmony. Fear permeates our feelings, thoughts and actions. It is so insidious it slides under our radar. We live, believing this is the way things are. Nothing could be further from the truth, love, peace and harmony is our natural state. We have an inbuilt ability to healthily express the full gamut of human emotions, it is our fear and limitations that block us. We stop ourselves feeling certain emotions and aspects of ourselves because it makes us feel uncomfortable and out of control.

Anger is one of the most feared emotions, we bury, hide, suppress and refuse to accept that is a natural emotion, that when used constructively expressed becomes passion and a great motivator to move us into living an inspired life.

Guilt is not a real emotion, it is synthetic, something we have created that has no opposite, it has no value or real purpose other than supporting the feeling of powerlessness.

Fear is the scourge of humanity, its ability to destroy lives is unequalled, yet the destruction reaped is always self induced. We are not victims, this is a misguided belief used to stop each and every one of us from living a fulfilling life. Fear is toxic and comes in many flavours, depression and anxiety are it’s prodigy.

When emotions are not expressed in a healthy way the toxic effects begin to physically damage the body and unhinge the feeling/thinking processes. We lose heart and sink ever so slowly into the mire of negativity and self limiting beliefs and feelings. Our heart and brain disconnect and our mind locks us into the false concept of victimhood. Depression and anxiety are victim consciousness.

Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is no more than the lowest expression of love. It is not some huge ogre awaiting the chance to disembowel us and slowly devour our mind, body and soul. Fear is negative goal setting, no more, no less.

All the relationship issues, poverty , wars and inability to live an inspires life are the end result of focussing on what we we do not want.

Our lives can change in split second, the moment we begin to choose what we really want as opposed to placing all our energy in focussing on the things that limit us.

Phobias are a result, consciously or unconsciously of choosing to give our power to an imagined outside source. The media and the controlling forces in society use this effectively to manipulate the general population to be consumer robots, devoid of common sense. Why does sex sell? Because we all have fears relating to approval and acceptance. We use drugs, food, sex and other external stimulants to ease our fear of pain and our feelings of being uncomfortable.

Pain originates in mental/emotional/ spiritual discomfort we try and avoid. Hoping to bury our misery the suppressed issue continues to generate massive amounts of negative energy that builds up in the physical body as tension. Muscle’s tighten and contract, over time weak points begin to form and at some point the body breaks. We blame the pain, yet it is the accumulated stress that is the real culprit. Physical pain and injuries, depression, anxiety, fatigue and general illness relate back to our fear of honesty dealing with our emotions.

Denial is a powerful precursor of the fear response, we ignore or refuse to accept the reality of a situation and move into a coping mechanism that is laced with negativity.

Our emotional palette is coloured with a plethora of rainbow hues, yet when peeled back we operate from two emotional bases, Powerful (Love) or Powerless (Fear).

We choose fear, it is not thrust upon us, we refuse to take ownership of our own lives and eagerly hand control to someone or something else, so we do not have to confront our self created demons.

There is a wonderful story told by Jamie Sams and David Carson in their book Medicine Cards of a little fawn making it’s way up the trail to sacred mountain. On the way the biggest, ugliest, nastiest demon (fear) blocks the path and demands the little fawn turn back. The demon tells the little fawn that it has no right to seek the path to the sacred mountain. In an act of courage and love (power) the little fawn simply looks into the eyes of the demon and states that it indeed has the right and thanks the demon for letting it pass. With this the demon shrinks to the size of a walnut and the little fawn continues it’s journey to sacred mountain.

We all want to go home to sacred mountain, we all want to feel powerful, the only way to get there is to walk through the valley of our fears and to take arms against a sea of trouble. The way home is to choose to express our power and release lovingly all our issues that relate to feeling powerless.

Motivational Kinesiology and Simply Love It are useful tools for transforming our negative beliefs into a positive inspired way of life. Either, using a trained practitioner or learning and applying the skills for yourself, both will unlock the inspired part of us and lead to creative solutions and making a real difference in this world.

We are infinite beings, capable of monumental acts of kindness and love, hiding in the shadows of our unreal fears and limitations does not make the world a better place or allow our light to shine and illuminate the path for those who follow. We were not born to live in the shadows of our grandeur.

What better time than now to grasp whole heartedly, the chalice of hope, release the shackles of disillusionment and breathe the inspired energy of the who we really are and step forward as the powerful soul we were born to express? We are all one decision away from this reality. It is time to dance your way through the corridors of our powerless programming and burst forth where the rhythms of our innate power can trip the lights fantastic?

It’s a jump to the left

And then a step to the right

With your hands on your hips …..