So much research shows that our thoughts influence our environment. Their is a multitude of teachers around the world teaching on the subject, yet the message does not seem to be gaining enough traction. Thoughts are Things, they have an energy and create a result. When we fall into the trap of focussing on what is wrong in our lives, there is a higher chance something negative will happen. Research now states that the world we see is 0.000001% matter and 0.000009% energy. So nothing really matters and everything really is energy.

When we align our thinking with our heart centred feelings we are more able to begin to manifest powerful changes. When we consider how often do we think something and it happens, we think of a friend and they call. Recently i was thinking about snakes., Over the next two days i had two wonderful close encounters with snakes. This morning wondering through the forest i was thinking about catbirds, within minutes one was calling. Minor things some may say. Goals come true wham we focus on the end result and do not waiver. Is this not the creative use of our ability to manifest?

Is it our doubts and fears that stop us achieving more with our ability to manifest?

What have we all manifested in our lives that seems hard to explain?

Could illness, like so much of the research suggests be a creation of our negative goal setting and addiction to what is wrong in our lives or the world?

There are so many cases of people healing with no logical medical reason. Spontaneous remission is a fact and observable, yet not understood by the medical illness industry. So many of us are looking for labels, instead of going within and seeking answers to the outer conditions.

This concept draws much heated debate, or is ignored by those eager to be labelled with such and such a condition.  Renee Decarte and his hypothesis of duality and the body as a machine, has done immeasurable damage and inflicted injury onto millions and blinded many brilliant minds and caring souls with his mischief.  Prejudices and ignorance has taken root and it is difficult to shift the global thinking to a more wholistic, balanced and inner healing centred belief.  Since releasing Kissing the Black Dog i have heard so many heart warming stories of people healing themselves and discovering better lives. Depression, anxiety, bipolar, all becoming symptoms of the past as each person created a new future.

We are truly amazing creatures with a mind that is untapped and under utilised. The placebo is recognised as a truth, that is why double blind tests are used in evaluating new drugs. Drugs that may not be necessary if the truth that we have the power to heal ourselves became rooted in our reality. A reality which would forever change the face of humanity and destroy a large profitable part of our society. Imagine what would happen once all those brilliant minds were freed from the great lie and allowed to work for the true betterment of society and no longer enslaved to improving someone’s profit margin.

We only need to look at the work of Dr Emoto with water, delve into the world of quantum physics or study the ancient books to discover the idea is not knew and reproducible . The journey to self healing is long and arduous, along the way we may all need to seek help  to explore the healing options and find our our way and the courage to take the step into the final frontier, into the power of heartspace and the magic powers of the mind.

Can we open our minds to the true power that resides within us all and has be proved time after time. There is a greatness within eager to be explored when we have the courage to seek it’s existence.