People wanted to believe the lie. They had built lives on the lie. They had taken on debts and made promises on the lie.
The lie is so much better than the truth.
Living beyond our means is a wonderful lie…until the credit dries up or government largesse is withdrawn.
Then the truth becomes brutal…houses lost, retirements delayed indefinitely, businesses close the doors, jobs gone.
In the end the truth always wins out. Better to acknowledge this fact early. Making the adjustments voluntarily is much better than being at the whim of market forces and unfriendly bankers.
The End of Australia: The Real Story Behind Australia’s Coming Economic Collapse and What You Can do to Survive it. – Vern Gowdie,
The Ancient Mystics and modern Quantum Physicists point to the observable fact, Reality is an illusion. This thought always reminds me of a bumper sticker i once saw on a government vehicle Reality is an illusion created by a lack of drugs.
If we look at the life of many in the civilised world there is much to make one wonder if this is true. Addictions are rampant, drug use is out of control. We overeat or over drink or consume substances that have no health value. We buy toys to entertain and maintain a high flow of adrenaline. We destroy beauty to protect our own darkness.No one wants the truth to come out. We point the finger at the wealthy elite and there excesses and cringe in our own shadow when it comes to the dark demons that drive and control us from our hidden inner worlds.
For most people , their lives are a lie, ambivalently an uncomfortable deception, but one worth holding doggedly too. Vern nails it in his above comments. Most people are more comfortable living the Great Lie than embracing the truth. Some no longer have the skills to tell the difference or lack the intestinal fortitude to become a truth seeker.
Our universe is made up of energy, 99.999999999%. Even that part we call matter is actually energy. Nothing is as it appears. Nothing! As we move into the 2000’s many of the facts we learnt at school no longer have validity. The mainstays of our world are unravelling before our eyes.
Heroes of our past are shown to have clay feet or the evidence of their true nature is coming to light. People are finding the truth hard to swallow, depression, anxiety and stress are on the rise. The zombie masses are swelling in numbers as those with the intelligence to see the truth, go blind, deaf and dumb. Shutting down is simpler than standing up.
Fall seven times. Stand up eight – Japanese Proverb.
Our world is rapidly accelerating towards the cliff. Many researchers are predicting the collapse of the fiat money system this year (2016). (Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but is not backed by a physical commodity. The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand rather than the value of the material that the money is made of. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith. Fiat is the Latin word for “it shall be”).
Our lives are built on a perception, an illusion yet the vast majority become annoyed when the obvious is pointed out. Your money is not real, your life is not real. Bugger!!!!
We support slavery and call it free enterprise. The system is rigged so the poor pay for the rich. Working for money is more important than spending time with family or having good health. Corruption is everywhere and as each day passes it becomes more obvious. Yet still we pull our heads in, accept the Great Lie and refuse to be accountable or change.
1% of the people control over 50% of the wealth, yet few people appreciate that is because we take no control over our addictions and cravings for adrenaline. The day enough people choose to be responsible is the day the world will change.
I hear people saying that the Messiah is going to return, the aliens are going to save us, and a long list of the cavalry is coming over the hill stories. There is no saviour waiting in the wings. And if their was and his name was Putin, many would call him the false prophet and try and destroy him. And it would have to be a him, the world is not ready to embrace the feminine yet.
The road to enlightenment, the road to a better life will be strewn with falsehoods, deceptions and lies. Once we learn to use them to support us, to make them the road base to carry us back to truth, is the day the light will shine bright within and our addictions, our fears and our loneliness will begin to turn to satisfaction and joy.
And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free – John 8:32
We are slaves and the time is now to begin to break the chains of the Great Lie and begin moving towards the truth. There are no great herocic battles to be fought. No great crusades. The road to freedom lies in each moment of each day choosing to live in truth and being willing to accept thinks are never as they seem.
If you are depressed, realise it is an illusion, you have the power to change your state of being
If you are anxious, choose to be calm and trusting
If you are stressed, focus all your attention on the possibility there is a solution.
Every negative thought, feeling or experience can be viewed differently. Always appreciate the value of adversity, it builds character.
The image at the top of this article is an illusion, it looks like Marli was muscle testing. Your beliefs that you are somehow inferior or superior are an illusion, they are maintained by our beliefs and actions. Our lives are lived as a blessing or a curse and are made so by what we imagine to be true.
The Great Lies tells us we are flawed, broken or somehow inferior.
The Great Truth tells points to the radiance within that can light the way for all to a better world. There is nothing deficient about you. There is nothing but goodness within.You are the spark of divinity of greatness awaiting it’s moment in the sun.
There is no better day than today to begin the journey. There is no better time than the NOW to make the change. Be amazing, the world is waiting.
If you struggle with Depression, Anxiety, Stress read Kissing the Black Dog.
How true! How true……………
Great read Wayne. You amaze me!