Seeing the tittle many people may think i am about to speak about the big names of the industrial/business or social leaders.

No, i am going to the heart of true inspiration. To those people who stop to help someone across the street, take the time to smile and reach out to others. Around Australia and the world moms and dads are giving refuge to other people’s children who no longer feel safe at home. They get no medals, no write ups or acknowledgement. They simply do what is right.

Around the world small groups, usually self funded help to support animals abandoned or cruelly treated by humans.

School teachers give that little extra, policeman give someone a second chance, fireman take risks to help a trapped animal.

People have an amazing ability for generosity, care and help make a difference.

Good news doesn’t make the media any profits, because we continue to buy their bull. If everyone turned off their media for one month watch what would happen.

True influence is rarely recognised. How often does a service group, bank or business give other people’s money and take the credit.

Everyday we influence someone, for better or worse. In most cases we will hear about the worst. Yet quietly and unknown we can always influence people to do better, be their best. Every humane act has a ripple effect that strikes a cord with those eager to serve, willing to make difference. Each act of goodness is like a ripple in a pond, each smile to a stranger could make their day or stop someone suiciding.

Today i attended a lecture, afterwards a lady came up and thanked me. She was enjoying my book and surprised me by saying that after my recent talk she felt good for days.

What did i do?”

I lived my passion and in this case it was contagious.

We all make a difference in people’s lives, lets make it an inspiration. Like my friend Boof, everywhere he goes he makes people happy.