A lady recently gave me a copy of The Divided Mind, by Dr John E. Sarno, M.D. she thought I would enjoy it. I smiled as I read the title and the subtitle. Since the late 1980’s I have been exploring the connection of the conscious and unconscious thinking processes in our ability to heal. Over those years I have seen people change their lives for the better, and one go as far as following through on her decision to end their life. I have seen a person go into a nursing home and die within three weeks because she refused to be there.  A lady recently said to me that I will never know how much the work we did together changed her life. 

My own life was changed by a small book written by Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, which applies a more user friendly approach to the Mind Body Connection. Those with a leaning towards wholistic medicine will be more familiar with the effects of unresolved and unhealed emotional and mental wounds that we carry. The majority will be unaware of this sacred and powerful interconnection between our mental and emotional pain and the effects on the physical body.

Dr Sarno, addresses the connection from a logical and medical slant, bringing a more acceptable scientific approach to a relationship that has been known for centuries. Sometimes information has be delivered in the language a person understands. Most people still give their power away to authority figures and in this case this may be a valuable tool for opening people’s prejudicial thinking to another point of view.

I know from personal experience the dangers of approaching the subject of this magnificent interconnection between our unresolved negative experiences, our demons, and the power that underlies them to heal ourselves. I have been laughed at, ridiculed and ignored for simply offering another way, a solution to heal the pain. Now I understand the Power of Unwillingness, I see why people reacted the way they did. 

On the flip side I have seen amazing changes as people embrace and heal their hurts. A friend and I were having a chat about some news ways I was approaching change. A few days later she told me how much her life had improved with the information we had shared. I noticed she looked different, somehow younger. I had to laugh when she proudly pointed out her boobs we’re bigger. Don’t ask, because I have no understanding of why that happened.  It does go to show how our emotions and thoughts can affect us in ways we do not imagine.

There are literally hundreds of conditions and disorders that have a psychosomatic component. Read You Can Heal Your Life for more information. There are many other good books on the subject as well. I find Motivational Kinesiology a valuable tool as we can quickly discover whether the issue is primarily physical, mental, emotional or spiritual and address all the factors at the same time.  Homeopathy is also a powerful healer of the mind-body.

Ailments and pain that does not respond to the normal slash, burn or poison medical model can disappear within a month when we address that inner demon, the pains of our past and release or heal them.  Watch The Secret, What The Bleep…, E-motion to explore this further.

Many of our painful experiences occur from conception and the first 7 years, sometimes it occurs later but usually, even these can be traced back to this critical time. The pain is pushed down, suppressed and hidden away as we struggle to cope and survive. The older reptilian part of the brain becomes overactive, placing us in a constant flight/flight/food/sex reactive mode. We are always in a perpetual state of heightened sensitivity, without realising, we are always on guard.  Our nervous system becomes overtaxed, other organs and glands become stressed. Whilst we stay in their state we cannot access the higher brain, the neocortex. We are also more likely to operate out of the little brain, the logical black and white left brain and be locked out of the creative, wholistic right brain. 

Anger disturbs Liver function, Worry, the Stomach, being two examples. Autoimmune diseases may respond well to the MindBody approach. The human body does not attack itself, it is designed to heal. Dr. Sarno makes an interesting observation on anxiety and depression, seeing them as symptoms of inner unresolved emotions and thoughts more than coming from outer issues.  

When I came across the Six Primary Fears I began to see a deeper way to clear much of this resolved pain and trauma from the body. I have also noticed that talking therapies can go so far, but when we use a physical technique such as kinesiology, TFT or other wholistic modalities such as Homeopathy or Flower Essences the results are deeper and more long lasting.

Fear is a powerful governor of human behaviour, when we have strong negativity it contaminates our energy and pollutes our system. The longer it stays in our mindbody system the higher the chances are that our physical body will find a way to express that poison. The body is always looking for ways to heal, when the basic control system has been hijacked the process is interrupted and succumb to disease or physical ailments. Ignoring this natural connection and if we choose the unnatural and dangerous acceptable approach we risk doing more harm that good. How often does someone go in to be cut and shut and down the track have more problems.

Decarte was wrong, as is the whole Newtonian Physics School of thought – we are not clocks,  not a living machine. We are so much more, we are a highly interconnected being.  Just as Aristotle brought new thinking to the older Platonic approach, Quantum Physics is changing the way we look at the world and ourselves 

I find it refreshing that doctors are taking on their own industry to bring the light of truth and a deeper and more genuine form of healing to everyone. For too long the truth about health and healing has been hijacked for profit. 

We become what we think about most of the time, when we repress or bury unhealthy patterns of feeling or thinking those very demons continue to operate from the shadows, slowly undermining all aspects of our lives. To be free, to live a happy life we need to shine the light of truth and love on them, bring them into the open and heal them. And in truth others can help us discover them, then it is up to us to heal ourselves, sometimes with some help and guidance.  

All that pain and hurt locked up deep within becomes our inner goal, the driver of the system. As Napoleon Hill explains we need a Clearly Defined Goal and a Burning Ambition for it’s achievement. When our goal is unconscious it drives us to places we do not want to go. Without taking back control we cannot get off the bus.