Do you spend your energy focussed on problems and what could go wrong?

Are you fixated on the past and the misdeeds of others?

We expend a lot of energy on what, in reality is the exact opposite of what we are desiring. We want happiness, yet invest an inordinate amount of time and focus on the exact opposite, most times not even realising what we are doing. Few of us realise the power of the human brain and have no concept the the true power of our hearts energy output. The brain is toddler in the energy stakes when up against focussed heart energy. Over 50% of the heart tissue is nerves.

Energy is everything and love is energy. It is the heart that connects us to the unlimited sea of energy that pervades the universes. It is the heart through which we express Love, the energy of the universes.The brain is the mail-boy who delivers the message back to the universe about what we are focussing our attention towards.

Attracting anything in our lives will always be accelerated when we come from our Heart space and let our thoughts be guided by our feelings.

It is not so much we think we want, it is more what makes us feel good, alive, excited. It is that feeling that arouses our passion. It is being in the feeling place of how it would be to have the focus of our attention.

How do i feel what i want? How often i have heard this and shifting people from thinking they feel to the real thing can be a herculean effort. Some are so removed from their emotions and feeling it is like learning a new language. Thinking and feeling can appear to be different languages, one is the language of the physical world, of our senses, the other one of concepts, ideas, the non physical world. One can think they are super human until they experience the feelings of the bus running them over. Another way of explaining is feelings speak in French, thoughts in English. Sometimes words overlap, yet communication is difficult.

Many thinkers struggle with their emotions, somewhere they decided feelings hurt, were dangerous or were a nuisance.the suppression of our full emotional gamut always attracts illness, imbalance and dysfunction in our bodies. Always. Science, always slow to observe the obvious now recognises that certain negative emotions can create illness. The science is called Pychoneuroimmunology. It is the same information, Louise L. Hay in her famous book You Can HealYour Life and a host of other enlightened teachers and healers have been expressing.

If you are ill, look to your emotions. The germ theory is on it’s death bed, the vibration or frequency you are resonating at has more to do with your illness.

Not achieving your goals, look to your emotional vibration. Many say they want money, cars, travel, success and yet they vibrate lack, poverty or I cannot have that. The other it is not actually what they desire and lights their fire of passion.

For the next gaol setting visioning exercise, take some time to sit quietly and imagine how you would feel having it right then and there. Be aware of the feelings and physical sensations in your body. Take note of how your toes feel, your scalp. The backs of your hands. Is your posture different? Smiling more? What emotions are coming up. At this point sometimes the emotions can be negative or unhappy ones. Sadness, grief, angry, frustration, etc. these are clear pointers that that is not your point of attention.

Keep going, play with different ideas, dreams, visualisations until something feels good. Match the feeling with the goal and when playing with your goals stay in the feeling place of. It.

Feeling good always helps to draw to us the focus of our attention and it will enhance our immune system and help keep us relaxed and healthier.

Pay attention to your feeling and always choose to feel good now. Next time something is taking your attention away from your desires, stop for a moment think about the issue. Then imagine how big the universes are and how important the issue really is.