When we have an accident or do something “wrong” a series of connections are made and become interwoven into the event memory. These connections may involve the physical body, our emotions and the thoughts we had at the time. An injury could lead to muscle soreness, so we compensate and avoid the pain. This involves other muscles becoming overworked along with the associated tendons, fascia and nerves. All these associated systems become connected by the “injury” and create a pain or avoidance circuit and if left unattended becomes locked into the body. This is sometimes referred to as “muscle memory”. This is also referred to as “reactive circuits” where the interactions between the various systems become associated via pain avoidance. The injured muscle has an associated meridian, which is connected with an organ or gland. We may have felt embarrassed, stupid, silly at the time forming another link to the circuit. We may have criticised ourselves for making a mistake and getting hurt, another connection. The day may have been hot and you needed a drink of water. A man in a red shirt saw us fall and did not come to help.
All these connections can be the reason an injury does not improve, a “Programmed Expressive Trait” has been locked in unconsciously. Anyone of these associated connections can re-trigger or re-activate. a defensive reaction in our bodies to protect itself and the pain or stiffness can return.
This reactive connection interferes with the mind/body connection and can lead to higher underlying stress levels and reduce our ability to feel relaxed and content in our lives. Mind/body integration is affected and we struggle to be whole. It may be that we suffer aches and pains, our digestion is affected, we struggle in relationships. The list goes on. PET’s affect our ability to integrate and be a whole person. They maintain an imbalance within ourselves which can throw out what Paul Dennison of Edu-K refers to as “The Seven Dimensions”.
To summarise, Paul Dennison has made these associations:

Focus – Front/Back of body – Improves Focus and Participation – Frontal Lobes of the Neo-Cortex to the Hindbrain (Reptilian Brain)

Centering – Top/Bottom of body – Assists Grounding and ability to explore space. – Neo-Cortex to Midbrain to Hindbrain (Limbic Reptilian Brains)

Laterality – Left /Right of body – Assists with detail and seeing the whole picture. – Left/Right Hemispheres of the Neo- Cortex

The Motivational Kinesiology Level 5 (Advanced) has a series of corrections for defusing the stresses causing the disconnect and releasing reactivity patterns. Many of the corrections in Levels 1-4 also play apart.  Appointments are now available by phone or Skype (internet). Email info@wayneelliswp.builderallwp.com for details and times.