Physical pain is real. It hurts, makes us uncomfortable and we usually take pain killers as a form of relief. What happens if the pain killers and anti-depressents are doing more harm than good?
Imagine for a moment that physical pain is sometimes a symptom of some deeper underlying issue. What if pain was no more than unexpressed emotional or mental stress?What if pain was our worries, fears and insecurities made manifest?
- Could it be that is after all, it is all in our heads?
- Having trouble with your knees, where are you being stubborn?
- Shoulder problems, who are you resenting?
- Stomach problems, having trouble digesting new ideas?
- Sore hands, not handling a situation?
- Breathing problems, where is the unresolved grief?
- Depression, unresolved emotional or mental pain?
The list goes on.
Most of us simply want to get rid of the pain, we do not like feeling uncomfortable. Actually that is the story of our lives, most of us do not want to feel uncomfortable, we are happy stuck within our comfort zone. If life is what happens outside our comfort zone, we are safer, just existing?
Drugs, physical treatments can remove the physical symptoms yet never uncover the underlying issue. Some researchers believe it we remove the symptoms the problem will find another way to express itself, sometimes in a more life threatening way.
The degree of emotional, mental and physical insolvent will aways vary, yet there is always more to the story than meets the eye. Working with Motivational Kinesiology for such a long time it has become evident that there is always a physical, mental or emotional component involved with any pain condition.
Pain is a natural part of life, it is the guideposts, showing us where we need to make changes.
Physical pain is easy to recognise, emotional or mental pain is harder, sometimes we refuse to accept the underlying issue. There is still a social stigma attached to mental or emotional weakness. This is one of the contributing factors to suicide especially in men. To show weakness is not the manly way to behave.
If pain is a constant in our lives maybe it is time to go to the source of the problem and get help to uncover the real causes and release the old patterns.
Pain is going to happen in our lives, dealing with the cause is the fastest way to get back on track.
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