The image above is an example of the choices we make in life, the alarm sounded at 5am, the temp outside was 9 degrees, cold for the sub tropics.  My bed was warm. I lay there complicating my options, before dragging myself out and driving to the beach.

The predawn light reached to my soul like a tonic, it refreshed me and filled me the beauty of our world and another day about to unfold, another dray of unbounded opportunities.

A simple warm greeting from another photographer as i searched for,that magical spot for mother nature to remind me that life unfolds anew each morning. I could have stayed in bed and let the opportunity pass as i so often do. How about you, do you rise about your comfort zone and let the beauty of life and nature caress your soul?

I had positioned myself to best capture the suns rays gentle caress of mother earth, then i looked to the side. The morning light painted the clouds with the most delightful colours to my right and left. Then i looked behind, another light show to enliven my heart. One simple choice had empowered my day with a light show of beauty. I was feeling alive and enriched.

The above photograph is what i could see behind me as the waves caressed the shore and the predawn light painted the sky with a wizard’s art brush. I was lost in the joy of capturing the beauty that was unfolding before me. I was a witness to an act of nature’s daily creation and through my own art, connected to the universal creation process. I was alive and enjoying the majesty  of an unfolding life, the life of a new day. I could have decided to stay safe and snug in bed.

As i left the beach that morning feeling connected and happy, that warm inner glow that comes from being at peace with my world  i met Bella, a gorgeous 4 month old puppy and her owner Adam. This boisterous fur covered barrel of love and joy, jumped all over me and my camera. Bella was expressing the simple joy of being alive. We were all caught up in her enthusiast expression of her love for life.

I had wondered if I should go to Brisbane and have dinner with a treasured friend, again do i stay home safe and cosy or make the effort? That evening turned into a truly rewarding experience. As I waited on the river in the city, mother nature created colourful cloud patterns over the Story Bridge, The day was ending the way it started. The evening was one filled with heartspace and loving connection.

Just before meeting for dinner I received an email from a young man i had meet at a lecture weeks before. The compassion and gratitude this delightful young man expressed touched my heart. Here was someone who had listened and acted, he had reached deep into his heart to seek his life purpose. Finding it he had written to thank me and ask some advice on the way forward. His honesty was refreshing and his courage applaudable.

Three simple choices, that have enriched my life and connected me with the magic that is our lives. Yet how simple it would have been to stay stay stuck in my comfort zone.

I leave you with a question. Is the mental and emotional pain we endure really no more than our refusal to reach into our own heartspace and  choose love as our first option?  Please consider.