2015 is nearly upon us and many are turning their thoughts to setting goals and resolutions for the coming year. Secretly we know we will not follow through. Some will and at the end of 2015 will still not have achieved their true hearts desire. We may think we have, we may pretend that all the toys money can buy have soothed the savage beast within. It hasn’t for one simple reason. The toys. the money, the material stuff was always a sideshow to keep us from truly going after our heart’s desire.
There is a part of us eager to be expressed to go outside the norms and yet guaranteed to cause us grief with those lesser lights who want us to linger in the shadows of our greatness. To go after our true life purpose is a bridge too far, the pain of stepping out of normality and realising each and every one of us can make the world a better place. Our fear of rejection and the potential to lose what little sense of importance we feed ourselves through others, our work or our station in society, is overwhelming for some of us. It is easier to hide our light in the shadows of our fears than to stand straight and proud and gently, lovingly, walk our talk. Sometimes that is as simple as standing in our truth, without saying a word, simply holding the space for what we believe to be true and honouring another’s truth without buying into it.
We are all products of those around us. Some look to the giants, read and study the great men and women of history, others follow blindly their parents, friends and teachers, always deep within yearning to find our own way to express the love and magic that flickers quietly within.
2015 will be a different year, from all my reading and study many great souls point to the change, the golden renaissance that sees humanity crawl painfully from the pits of hell into the light. Many point to December 21st 2012 as the tipping point. Others refer to 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall as the point of change.
Change is upon us, we can either go with the flow or resist and cause ourselves pain and limitation. 2015 is the time of trusting in ourselves and having faith in our ability to make a difference. For some the difference is to enslave ourselves and take humanity with us or to reach high and work towards bringing all of humanity with us to the light, for the want of a better description.
If our resolutions are set it might be time to look again and reach into our hearts and ask, how will this make me feel. Really?
If the resolutions are awaiting our attention maybe it would be time to sit quietly, breath in our hearts and listen. Yes that may mean shutting up the brain chatter and listening, truly listening to our inspired voice and having the courage to be the change.
Take some time, breath into our hearts and ask one simple question, What do I really want?
Then listen from a space of love and have the courage to accept the answer.
Change is upon us all, the battle of dark and light within us all is drawing to close. As 2105 unfolds shall we reach for the light or slip back into the bowels of our own self imposed hell?
Need some help to make the transition to the magnificent you?
Motivational Kinesiology sessions may help as will reading Kissing the Black Dog.
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