The greatest curse, the biggest lie and the most sinister lie we perpetuate is that we are an individual, discontented from others, separate from all other life, nature and the planet.

We think we are unique, special, better than. We hear this from those around us, sometimes in the positive, sometimes the negative. Channellers speak in lovee dovee, soft tones intimating your divinity and specialness.

Reality check, yes we are special and yes we are unique, yet there is nothing that is ours.

We have created nothing, discovered nothing. We are a mix of atoms that were created before time began.

We are the products of the building blocks of the universe.

Our thoughts have been thought before by higher minds than ours.

We are children of the stars, literally, we are made of star dust, yes real star dust that contains the building blocks of all life.

We are energy, from a source beyond imagination.

We are ONE, it is impossible to be anything else.

For those who still are unwilling to believe, try creating an experiment and take away everything that was not created directly and totally on your own with nothing that already existed.  Oops sorry! You just demartialised!

When we hurt another we hurt ourselves

When we destroy nature we are destroying ourselves

When we go to war we kill part of ourselves

This is not some mumbo jumbo spiritual guru speak or new agey mambo pambi, this is hard course science.

Time to wake up – we are all one – all connected – all divine.

Watch this video, it might help to shift all of us, yes all of us. If we are still on this planet we have not got it yet.

How many people are really suffering with a mental illness, conveniently labelled #depression, #anxiety or the multitude of stress related conditions because we are living a lie. We fail to see the truth or if we do, we do not know how to live with it.

We are greater than the greatest among us, braver than the bravest warrior. Wholier than the wholiest of our teachers, yet we grovel in the sewer of mistruth, struggling to survive, emotional and mentally constipated because the pain of the lie is less than the love of the truth.

Our world is changing, the lies and corruption is finding the light of truth and it is either liberating or enslaving us. We can move into the greater truth or wallow in the shadow of corruption. As the outer world’s corruption is exposed the light begins to find it’s way to our inner world.

I read much on what people are calling the ascension, the shift, the golden renaissance that is upon humanity. I believe those who are suffering the transition are the one’s who have hidden their own inner demons of corruption deep. They may appear as enlightened, free thinkers, new age guru’s. yet in the mists of their inner world walks the silent demon of dishonesty, who time to go home has past.

Change is always hard and our greatest fear not being important is now being challenged as everything we thought felt and emoted is being questioned.

We are not separate, we are not alone and we are all One. There is nothing that is us and everything is united.

Need help with your stress doing the transition, try reading Kissing the Black Dog