Setting and achieving our wants and desires is a challenge for most of us. We sometimes without realising, focus our attention on what we think we want and attract that.

Knowing what we really desire is important. Advertising, friends, family, etc., can influence our decisions. Keeping up with the Jones can make us set our hearts on things that in the end do not satisfy us or our core values.

Do we really know what we really want and what best serves us. Much of my clinical work recently has been directed to one simple question, What do you really want!?

Asked enough times in different ways the person usually ends up with a goal that is far removed from what they thought they wanted.

Money is probably the biggest misguided desire. I have met few people who actually really want more money and would sacrifice everything for it. They may what the money can buy, not the actual money. The trip with family, a romantic holiday with that someone special, the ability to fund ground breaking natural solutions to health issues, etc.  Money itself, not really.

Focussing on the money may lead to a blocked flow or a self sabotage. I have stated this before, a self sabotage is no more than focussing on what we do not want.

Taking the time to be clear and precise on what our goals are and aligning the with our values is important to achieving the desired outcome.

Some say they want fancy cars and the good life, when challenged, it may turn out they actually want a relationship with a loving partner. It makes me smile every time we find the core desire and the person will comment how they already knew that.

To know 

and not to do

is not to know

Drawing out what we are really passionate about gives new vigour to our lives. We have a new focus, a new direction we are more willing to work towards. Once we ave clarity the dream becomes more achievable, more desirable, more fun to bring into reality.

When really clear our focus becomes laser like and events situations and opportunities appear on our radar, as if by magic.

What do you really want? Really?

For those interesting in understanding there real goals and desires may I suggest sitting down with a piece of paper and writing what you think you want. Once a list is formed go to the feeling place of having it now. How does it feel? Is this the feeling that will make you happy? Play with it. Once the feeling that excited you is recognised, expand on it, play with it. Is it the feeling you want or the object that triggers the feeling? If it is the feeling choose to feel that way as much as you can. Sit back and watch the magic happen in so many unexpected ways.

Not able to answer immediately and feel the passion burning inside? Might be time to ask for some help