The Benefits of Kinesiology.

Applied Kinesiology was created in the 1960’s by an American Chiropractor, George Goodheart. He pioneered way by of blending a mix of the muscle assessment work from Kendall and Kendall with aspects of Chinese medicine, esp. accupressure. Originally only available to a chiropractors, doctors and dentists, kinesiology slowly  filtered into the wider community and by the 1970’s people like Dr. […]

By |December 12th, 2014|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments

Pain – the Hidden Reasons

Physical pain is real. It hurts, makes us uncomfortable and we usually take pain killers as a form of relief. What happens if the pain killers and anti-depressents are doing more harm than good?

Imagine for a moment that physical pain is sometimes a symptom of some deeper underlying issue. What if pain was no more than unexpressed emotional or mental […]

By |July 22nd, 2014|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments

Stress – Finding Solutions

Stress is primarily caused by emotional/ mental tension. The jobs we do on ourselves deserves an oscar nomination. When we can step back and honestly look our our lives we can see a comedy of errors and less than bright discussions and actions we have taken.

Our machinations are extraordinary in there breadth and scope. The real drama is caused by […]

By |June 6th, 2014|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments

Ionisation Time to get Negative

The body is an electromagnetic system which operates best when the positive/negative balance is correct.

What are Ions?

Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge. Negative ions (ion donors) are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. They are odourless, tasteless, and invisible and are inhaled in abundance […]

By |June 3rd, 2014|Motivational Kinesiology, Natural Health|0 Comments

Psoas a key structural muscle

an extract from an article by  DANIELLE PROHOM OLSON

The Psoas muscle (pronounced so-as) is the deepest muscle of the human body affecting our structural balance, muscular integrity, flexibility, strength, range of motion, joint mobility, and organ functioning. Growing out of both sides of the spine, the psoas spans laterally from the 12th thoracic vertebrae (T12) to each of the 5 lumbar […]

By |May 13th, 2014|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments

Simply Love It and MK in action.

The last few weeks i have been off colour and like most of us, continued pushing. Sunday afternoon lying in the emergency ward of the hospital my body had pushed back and won the bout.

After a clean bill of health and all my symptoms intact, i was released and given a few days to recover.

The healing process began:

Water – increased. […]

By |February 19th, 2014|Motivational Kinesiology, Simply Love It|0 Comments

Integrated Movement

Movement is important to maintaining integration. The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left (feminine) side, the left hemisphere controls the right (masculine) side of the body. Movement that integrates both sides of the body helps to keep the brain integrated. From birth, one hemisphere of the brain can begin to dominate. Cross-lateral or two-sided integrated movement  can keep […]

By |November 20th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|1 Comment


Willingness, or as it is sometimes known, psychological reversal, is a conflict between different aspects of the consciousness.
As we are muscle monitoring, a person may say, “I am willing to change”, but there is no indicator muscle response. If we get that person to say, “I am not willing to change” & the indicator muscle unlocks, we then know the […]

By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments


Our brain is mainly responsible for vision. Our eyes are receivers, collecting information in the form of light, and the brain transforms this information into a useable form. Emotions and core beliefs have an impact on our ability to see and this is not addressed by “normal” eye care practitioners. Our fears, limitations and unresolved emotions create physical tension in the surrounding muscles, which […]

By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments

Surrogate Testing

Surrogate testing can be used where a person or animal cannot be physically tested themselves, eg. a very young baby, destructive children, the elderly, the family pet, an injured animal, the unconscious or someone who is not actually present at the time. Some modalities refer to this as absent or distant healing. Our experience has proved the effectiveness of this procedure. Please test & measure for […]

By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments