
    Willingness, or as it is sometimes known, psychological reversal, is a conflict between different aspects of the consciousness.
    As we are muscle monitoring, a person may say, “I am willing to change”, but there is no indicator muscle response. If we get that person to say, “I am not willing to change” & the indicator muscle unlocks, we then know the […]

    By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments


      Water is one of the key ingredients for life and normal bodily function. Our bodies are approximately 70% water. Muscles comprise 75%, blood 83% bone 22%, the brain 75%. A 5% reduction of fluid in our body affects muscle & brain function. In infants, a 10% to 20% reduction can be fatal. For many reasons most people we see in our clinic or when […]

      By |November 18th, 2013|The Magic of Water|0 Comments


        Our brain is mainly responsible for vision. Our eyes are receivers, collecting information in the form of light, and the brain transforms this information into a useable form. Emotions and core beliefs have an impact on our ability to see and this is not addressed by “normal” eye care practitioners. Our fears, limitations and unresolved emotions create physical tension in the surrounding muscles, which […]

        By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments

          Surrogate Testing

          Surrogate testing can be used where a person or animal cannot be physically tested themselves, eg. a very young baby, destructive children, the elderly, the family pet, an injured animal, the unconscious or someone who is not actually present at the time. Some modalities refer to this as absent or distant healing. Our experience has proved the effectiveness of this procedure. Please test & measure for […]

          By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments


          –by Ocean Robbins, Oct 30, 2013

          Our world is pretty messed up. With all the violence, pollution and crazy things people do, it would be easy to turn into a grouchy old man without being either elderly or male. There’s certainly no shortage of justification for disappointment and cynicism.

          But consider this: Negative attitudes are bad for you. And gratitude, it turns out, […]

          By |November 18th, 2013|Motivation|0 Comments

          Grain that can Damage the Brain

          Written By:
          Sayer Ji, Founder

          With increasing recognition among medical professionals and the lay public alike that the health of gut and brain are intimately connected (i.e. the ‘gut-brain’ axis), the concept that gluten-containing grains can damage the human brain is beginning to be taken more seriously.

          Books like Dr. William Davis’ New York Times best-selling Wheat Belly made great progress in opening up popular consciousness to […]

          By |November 18th, 2013|Natural Health|0 Comments

          Coconut Oil

          Coconut oil is getting a lot of attention right now. Found this interesting article on the subject


          By |November 18th, 2013|Natural Health|0 Comments

          Success Management


          Whether our goals are health or wealth based (or both) it is our fear and limitations that block us.

          Many of the wealth creation books contain the same sobering facts, fear and greed are the downfall of the majority, eg., 85% of options traders fail. In a recent lecture the presenter pointed out success is 80% mindset and 20% technique. To […]

          By |November 18th, 2013|Motivation|0 Comments


            Stress is our inability to deal with situations in our lives & leads to imbalances that effect our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being. Not all stress is harmful, we actually need stress to stay alive. Our reactions to events or situations is the factor that determines whether the stress will be constructive or destructive.
            The constructive aspect of stress is our ability […]

            By |November 18th, 2013|Motivation|0 Comments


              Sensitivities (allergies or intolerances) are negative reactions to foods, chemicals, radiation, emotions, colours, etc. Each of us reacts differently, “one man’s poison is another man’s cure”. During demonstrations we have observed people “react” to filtered water & show no such reaction to tap water.
              In our experience, emotions, beliefs and dietary habits established early in life play a major role. Identifying […]

              By |November 18th, 2013|Motivational Kinesiology|0 Comments