How many of us are working on ourselves or trying to be better people?

What happens if we have it around the wrong way?

What if, we are already infinite beings, capable of unbounded love and greatness?

What happens if we are already what we want to be?

Enough questions, please consider this. If we focussed all our attention on what we really wanted to be or have and gave no attention to our fears and doubts our lives would work.

Imagine what is you want in life, act as if you are already in the feeling place of having no, No compromise, no indecision, no excuses. It would be impossible no to be how you want to be. Impossible.

I touched on this issue in the Power to Attract article. We spend so much time and energy attracting what we say we do not want, simply because we either do not know why we want it or are scared to accept we can have it.  Excusitis is  deliberating illness, the inflammation and heightened focus on not be able to have it for a multitude of reasons exacerbates the opportunity for our real goals our real purpose to shine.

Fake it to you make it. People throw this quote around like it is some kind of joke. Their limiting beliefs simply can not comprehend the immense power locked deep within the human heart and soul. We are truly amazing and the most amazing thing is we use the power against ourselves. Some would say it is because the Cabal. the global elite are controlling us and dumbing us down. Treating us as slaves. Is there a global elite. Yes. Are they controlling our thinking, NO! Some blame God. For the life of me I can not understand how anyone who has studied the teaching of any of the Great Teachers can even harbour the concept of anything other than Love. The family, our physical condition, work, friends, any excuse can slot in here.

We are the Masters of our own reality.

We are sentient beings, fully functioning Gods and Goddesses. We are the Power of the unseen Universe, made manifest. Nothing and no one controls us. To believe in an outside source greater than the Power within is a fallacy, a fear induced limitation set by ourselves to stop us feeling uncomfortable basking in our own glory.

To believe there is something inherently wrong,  that we are sinners, that we have to improve ourselves as the cat chasing it’s own tail.  We are infinite beings, always remember that fact. Act as if it is so without hesitation and forward in the world realising We Make A Difference.

Gandhi said Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.

So pop along and get on with it.

For a little motivation here is a great ad from NIKE. (Cut and Paste into your browser)