While researching and compiling my upcoming book Kissing the Black Dog i started to wonder if the same underlying factors that trigger depression are involved with addictive behaviours. Both are conditions where we feel we have no control.  It is like something else is controlling us and making us do it.

The Allergy and Addiction connection is known, we tend to be allergic to the things we are addicted to. Sugar is a great example, in foods or in the form of alcohol, it messes up our metabolism and disturbs our digestive system. This leads to other health conditions . The body becomes acidic and this effects the negative/positive ion ration making the body more positive charged. Acid/positive charge throws the body out of balance and creates the opportunity for fungi, harmful bacteria and viruses to take hold. Candida loves sugar and creates toxins that lead us to being unhealthy and effecting brain function.  These little beasties  eat us by releasing digestive enzymes  which can lead to allergic reactions, which contribute to our bad feelings.

Dehydration will also be in the equation, along with lower oxygen levels, all making it difficult for the body  and especially the brain to operate at full capacity.  The magic hydration/ionisation/oxygen axis keeps us healthy and when we ignore it disease is a given.

Depression and addiction both involve our inability to think clearly and make  balanced choices. Our self esteem will begin to deteriorate and the negative mood set will begin to take root. The further we slide the more the  ghosts of our fears and limitations become reborn and haunt our waking hours.  We lose control of our lives and become slaves to our negative feelings or substance abuse, which can include  needing tea or coffee hits. Actually coffee is the most abused substance other than sugar available to us today.

A lot of research is showing that when the digestive system becomes unhealthy our thinking is effected. leaky gut leads to toxins passing into the blood stream and causing problems in many parts of the body. The liver is overworked and our body struggles to maintain equilibrium. Brain fog and a lesser ability to think rationally becomes common.

Drinking alkaline water,  taking time to deep breath, cleaning up our diets and  bringing our body to an alkaline, negative ion balance may set us up to deal with the challenge of taking control of our lives.

Motivational Kinesiology is a great tool for breaking this unhealthy chain and leading us back to health.