The quote above sums up Bullying. Givers are the victims, takers the bullies. The only way to change is for the victims to learn to set boundaries and give to themselves as much as they give to others.

I hear the squeals of injustice from the givers/victims that it is the bullies who are at fault. True, but not true. Bullies do take advantage of others because they are allowed to.  Hard to swallow but the only way we are going to change behaviours is for the giver/ victim to stop being the prey to the bully/predator.

I have experienced this first hand and came out of the situation more empowered and more able to deal with the “bullies”. In fact it became a game in the end, each time they tried to bully me I simple reminded them as long as they continued the game I owned them. In their attempt to dominate they became the victim, unable and unwilling to change. Bullies are victims to and life has taught me to never compete for the bottom of the barrel.

Learn to set boundaries, say NO to others and YES to yourself. It is not selfish, it’s survival.