The last couple of hundred years of human development has been focussed on the strength of our thinking prowess. The technological advancements are way beyond our personal growth. We have weapons capable of totally destroying life on this planet . We do not have the spiritual enlightenment or responsibility for recognising the connectedness of all things.

This imbalance is showing up in our unbalanced emotional mental states, anxiety and it’s shadow, depression are on the rise, we overthink and under feel. Our emotional maturity has been ignored due to our obsession with the brain and thinking. Many of us are so out of balance we are at the state of thinking we feel as opposed to actually feeling and trusting our intuitionLife is about balance, about the equalisation of two sides. It is the natural response in nature to find the equilibrium.

Our education system is geared to producing machine-gun fodder or worker drones, an uncomfortable truth. The focus is on training the brain to follow instructions. We create thought followers and punish our thought leaders. Anyone stepping outside the tight control parameters struggles with being ostracised and excommunicated by society in general. This is a price to high for some, who fall back into line and live lives of quiet desperation, always struggling with their fears and limitations.

Once we can recognise the game and it’s rules life can begin to change, once we accept we are indeed different and can slip the chains of fear we allow our natural gifts to be expressed. Fitting in takes way so much effort with no real benefit, when we are unique we will never fit in normality. Why would be want to anyway, after all, it is many cases an incurable disease.

What is the worse thing that happen if we have the courage to be ourselves, to shine our inner light brightly?

Is devaluing ourselves really going to attract the best quality people into our lives?

The stress we create in our lives by refusing to accept and honour ourselves is debilitating to some, terrifying to others.

In what way does it improve the life of anyone, including ourselves?

Yet day in day out, so many continue to chase the impossible dream, being different from who they are to be accepted by those who in the end do not really care.

Failure to fit in can be a blessing, being able and capable of expressing our own unique gifts, gives others the confidence to reach for their dreams, to step up and expose the falsehoods and lies that bind humanity to a life of dullness and unexplored greatness. I am certain that each and every person has a gift that this world needs at this time. Taking it unopened to our grave serves no valuable purpose.

As Shakespeare so aptly stated; It is better to have love and lost, than never to have loved at all.

Start small if we must, begin to dream of the best we can be, then begin to action it. Yes we will face opposition, yet it will never come from those who truly love us.

Fear is no more than an inability to reach for love. Reach high and grasp the greatness that awaits all those willing. Is it time to think less and action our dreams.