The heart plays a more important part in our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing than science currently understands.


“the heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated encoding and processing centre that enables it to learn, remember and make independent decisions “

Rolin McCraty.


The heart generates the largest and most powerful electromagnetic field in our bodies. The amplitude is up to 60 times more than that of the waves generated in our brain and is measurable up to several feet from the body. It can be measured between two people.

Many of the healing arts work with and utilise this energy flow to assist their clients to heal and science still trails behind in this area, due mainly to Descartes’ legacy of ignorance.

There is scientific evidence of the physiological and psychological effects of many of these treatment, old world Newtonian science has yet to be able to describe the mechanism  by which the putative energy exchange between people takes place.

The work of the Heartmath team is working to remedy this situation. .

The heart’s electromagnetic (cardioelectromagnetic) field contains information or coding, that is transmitted inside  and outside of the body and intentionally generated positive emotions can change this information/coding and the physical body itself. Research is showing it may also affect our DNA.

Questions are being asked if this cardioelectromagnetic field transmits our feelings, positive or negative within and without of our bodies. Those within the healing arts community already know the answer, absolutely Yes.

When we are negative we spread our malaise far and wide and it damages our own energy pattern leading to disease. . When we are in heartspace we influence those around us in a constructively way and our energy is high and we experience less illness. Distance is no object, i have worked with clients in London from my home on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. When coming from heartspace we can connect with those within our field no matter where they are.

The more developed our heartspace energy the more effect we have.

“Through the use of tools and technologies that foster positive emotions and psychophysiological coherence, individuals can effectively initiate a repatterning process, whereby habitual emotional patterns underlying stress are replaced with new, healthier patterns that establish increased emotional stability, mental acuity, and physiological efficiency as a new familiar baseline or norm,” McCraty and Dana Tomasino  – Heartmath.

Science is moving closer each day to what we commonly know, at some level we can connect with other people and our moods affect those around us. Any mother knows what her children are doing, loving partners are always connected to one another. The magic of the heart is slowly being exposed the the hard cold minds of our handicapped scientific community. Descarte has much to answer for. Fortunately there are many now who have seen beyond the artificial separation that leads us to believe the body is simply a machine that follows strict limited laws. The reconnection of mind and body is opening us to an exciting new science where the whole person is becoming glaringly obvious for all to see. Heart is finally returning to science and hence to humanity.

It is our passion, our desires, our heartspace that drives each and everyone of us to achieve. It is not the mechanistic world view of the body as a machine that inspires greatness in humanity, it actually acts to enslave us, limit us and prostitute ourselves on the altar of materialism and greed. As the shift occurs and the heart takes its rightful place as the Master, humanity shall step out of the dark ages and we will experience unparalleled growth in our humanity.