Anger is an emotion that many people try and avoid. Our society frowns on the another who cannot control their anger, except at sporting matches or war.

Used in it’s negative destructive form, it is usually turned inwards and damages of our mind, body and soul. Unconstrained anger is toxic to ourselves and those around us. It is interesting how at times when we cannot get our own way we can turn to  abuse and angry outbursts in an attempt to manipulate the situation. We continue to use the approach as long as it is rewarded. Bullies get away with trying to destroy others because most people are afraid to confront anger, inwardly or from with out.  This behaviour is always the end result of feeling powerless, it is not usually a sign of a bad person. Mostly it is an expression of emotional immaturity.

Suppressed anger has been associated with depression and anxiety and some belief it is a contributing factor to cancer. Holding such a powerful energy at bay is difficult and not useful.

Finding a constructive outlet for anger is a valuable tool for bringing change into our lives. I know when i start to come under the grip of unhealthy anger i pick up a camera and head for the bush to unwind, reconsider and release some creative energy or i write.. Some of my best material comes when i am passionate. Being creative helps me turn the anger to passion. Anger can be great to get me out of bed at 5 am on a cold morning. Anger can also give us the energy to lift the front of a car  off the ground and drop it, because someone was inconsiderate when driving.

Anger’s wiser cousin passion,  drives people to feats of great human endurance and enables people to do great things.







Those not afraid to explore their anger find it easier to express their passion and love.

Angry people live in fear

Passionate people embrace love. 

There is a story of a CEO of an international corporation keeping a baseball bat in this office. When he became angry he would destroy the office, venting all his inner frustrations. As his anger released he was able to move up to a passionate state and come up with creative solutions.

The opposite of this is people feeling powerless, lashing out at those around them, destroying relationships and trust and not up-levelling the emotion. They stay stuck and continue to replay the emotionally immature behaviour to their own determent.

There are some wonderful tools for converting negative anger in to positive passion. One is to take some time alone and let yourself get angry, a boxing bag, a bat and a cardboard box or a pillow may assist. Get into the anger, feel it, express it, move with it. Let it flow. Movement is important for releasing locked up or unhealthy emotions.

When it reaches a point where we can really feel it, ask ourselves, with conviction, What Do I Want? What Do I Really Want?

This can be profound, anger is one of the most powerful emotions we have, use it to build up a full head of steam and release it towards achieving your positive desired outcome. Use the energy to attract what you really want.

A couple of hints, it’s not a good idea to do this when driving  or using dangerous equipment.

This simple technique can bring amazing changes to our lives. One night i came home furious, someone had  said something insulting. I walked into my office, looked at the wooden box on the floor and wanted to kick it. I looked at the shoes i was wearing and went to plan B. I ranted and raved, swore, let myself get really pissed off. At the critical moment i asked myself WHAT DO I WANT? The answer was immediate. Next day i had total appreciation for everyone, even those i did not like. I know it works.

It you are feeling angry, powerless s lurking somewhere in the shadows. Another tool is the Simply Love It technique of using the strong negative angry emotion while saying with conviction i love feeling powerless. When we hook the power of the anger to the statement, it shifts us from fear of being powerless to a more loving space where we can reconnect with our passion.

When working with Motivational Kinesiology  i have some fun way to convert anger to passion.

Anger disempowers

Passion empowers

So next time we feel angry, own it, embrace it and use it to drive you towards your dreams and aspirations.