We have all been lead to believe that the Brain is the Master of the Body. We tend to think of the brain as the control centre, running the whole show. It commands 1300 + biochemical reactions releasing chemicals to operate our biological systems, from waking and sleeping, growth, the health of our immune system and the functioning of our senses. A job of the brain is to create thoughts, it is not responsible for the consequences of those thoughts.

While research continues with the old world view of the Brain’s dominance, a new paradigm and Quantum Physics is bringing us more into alignment with the ancient’s world view of connectedness between all things. The new world view points to the fact, that at a deep level we are One.

Possibly one of the greatest discoveries of modern times validates the beliefs of ancient cultures that it is actually the Heart that is the Master of the body and the brain is subservient to it. The energy of the heart is five times mire powerful than the brain. It senses danger faster and directs the brain to respond. It is the heart that directs the brain to respond and release the necessary bio chemicals to suit the situation.

For those clinging to the concept that the brain is the Master, their lives will be unbalanced, they live out of touch with their real power. No wonder stress levels are through the roof, we are listening to a servant and not the Master.

The concept of Love as a guiding force of our lives is ancient. In our modern world the concept of doing what we love is gaining validity. With the Law of Attraction now a common term, many people are beginning to turn to and listen to the quiet inner voice of their heartspace. They are finally letting the noise of the intellect slowly subside and allow themselves to be guided by their heart.

We only need to look at the massive loss of life in the world, the way asylum seekers are treated worse than than animals and our total disconnection from the planet that supports us to recognise operating from the head only is dangerous.

Moving from the focus on our IQ to a worldview where we encourage and recognise the true value of our Emotional Intelligence is going to lead to a more balanced life for each of us and the planet as a whole. Living in heartspace is still to foreign for so many of us. The tension that is being caused as we grasp firmly to the old paradigm makes us unbalanced and possibly lead to illness, physically, mentally our emotionally.

The journey from the head to the heart can be long and arduous as long as it is undertaken unwillingly.  The resistance caused will make many scamper back to the safety of their ego (fear) based headspace and spend their lives thinking they are feeling.

Living from love means we need to change ourselves and out outmoded operating system. As we begin to open our hearts our lives change. Their may be casualities, we may lose friends, we may change jobs, we may rediscover our inner vision and our true goals. Many times when working with clients the goals they think they want are so far removed from what they really desire.

In my work i have met many people who think they feel or are totally unwilling to feel at all. Most people carry emotional scars, some are willing to heal themselves. Others prefer to suffer the pain, bury it deep and slowly infest those around them with their fear. Buried emotions play havoc with the energy systems of the body, our mental, emotional and physical systems are compromised. Sometimes it is physical illness, other times, mental and emotional stress and that effects our relationships and quality of life.

Our emotional state effects everything around us, a balanced loving person contributes in a postive constructive way. People who are growing into their heartspace are contributing to a better world. Their influence may in time open the hearts of those carrying the scars of their fear of love.  Being a loving person helps others heal themselves.

Depression, anxiety, most the currently labelled learning and behavioural issues may turn out to be related to living in our heads and lacking the wisdom to open our hearts.

Motivational Kinesiology is a wonderfully gentle tool for guiding people from their heads back to their power centre, the Heart.