Most people believe they are independent and free thinking. Most believe their beliefs, thoughts and feelings are their own. Nothing could be further from the truth, most if not all of us are labouring under the programming inherited from those influential people and institutions surrounding us.

From the cradle to the grave we absorb ideas and concepts from an outside source. That is totally logical, few people go within and discover themselves. We are all too busy focussed on the outside world. We are too busy caught up in the outer drama to go within and reconnect with the inner voice, the soul, what ever we wish to call it.

We are at the mercy of other people’s limiting world view, even the atheist will have religious programming going on unseen and unrecognised.

It is important to know who’s beliefs we are acting upon to free ourselves to live a healthy happy life. Even our health problems may have their roots in family patterning.

Epigenetic’s is rewriting the myths about genetics, the environment governs which genes switch on or off. Sounds like a conspiracy or myth, Pasteur on his death bed stated “Bernard was right; the pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything.” What better validation of the observation that “what we feel and think we become.”

Old family patterns of behaviour, if not broken may lead to the same family health patterns.  Ever noticed how we act or behave like our parents, for some that is to much to bear. Until we can look at and own those patterns we are doomed to repeat them.

With the information flow available today it is much easier to change our old programming and create the life we want, as opposed to recreating someone else’s life.  The services we provide will assist in shifting up gears as are the services provided by my colleagues with their own modalities and skill bases.

Let your heart lead you to the person that best suits you. This is one decision that is best to leave the head at home.

Few people still believe what they see in the controlled media, many now openly question the corrupt system we live in. Times are a changing, for the better

All around the world people are waking up, working on themselves and seeking that inner voice that is true for them and releasing other people’s truths.

The journey inwards is a difficult transition from the brain/intellect old world of thinking towards the powerful heart centred New Earth intuitive/ emotional intelligence way of living. For many they have no road maps, no moral compass pointing them towards home. It is safer to stay stuck than risk the unknown world of power and dreams fulfilled. Suffering is more comfortable than the discomfort of the short voyage away from the old shore to a new land. The old worn path is smoother than the road less travelled. It is easier to be a roaring mouse than a soaring eagle.

Many are finding the chains of their self imposed slavery to much to bear and are seeking ways to discard the bondage of the old world and walk the uncharted paths of their New Earth.